Page 103 of Blaze & Ajax
“Fuck if I know. Jazz is a wild card, man.”
The day progressed with Stix and Stone showing Storm how to do basic skateboarding, and I laughed my ass off every time he fell. That was the main reason I didn’t skate. The only ass bruising I wanted was from Jaxon.
I turned to face my guy and kissed him. “Well, our family is growing.”
He smiled. “It is. I’m glad you’ve finally accepted them as your family, too.”
I shook my head and watched all our friends skate. “Nah, they accepted me. I’ve always secretly liked being with you all.”
He kissed my nose. “Good to know.”
“Let’s get out of here.”
Speaking of ass bruising, I’d been dying for sex, but Jaxon hadn’t been ready yet. It wasn’t hard to be patient, though. I had his love, which was all that mattered.
“Sounds good.”
I stepped out ofthe intensive outpatient clinic today for the last time—that was the plan, anyway. I was filled with hope and promise, yet I understood that my life would never be easy. There would always be ups, downs, and setbacks. I just hoped I was prepared for them.
At least, I had no more feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness… for now.
My drugs were really kicking in, too. At first, it was hard to remember to take them at the same time every single day. I used my new phone to set an alarm every morning to do just that.
I had some side effects, like tremors and nausea, but it was getting better. My sex drive was still at an all-time low, but Aiden had been fucking patient as hell, helping me through the guilt of being unable to help himwithhisneeds.
After he visited with his mother… his caregiver? What the fuck was she, anyway? Because she was neither of those things. We’d gotten home that day, and he looked so distraught. I knew he needed me for the sex, but I just hadn’t been able to give it to him. He never asked for it, but I noticed the tension he desperately tried to reel in. Still, I did the best I could, holding him for most of the night.
I blinked at the sunlight and smiled, seeing Aiden leaning against the brick building, smoking while waiting for me. His black bangs fell in his face, but the sunglasses blocked his pretty eyes. He looked sexy as fuck, wearing navy-blue-and-white pinstripe shirt sleeves, baggy black shorts with a chain on his belt loop and pocket, paired with blackChucks.
His head was looking up at the sky, absorbing the sun on his face as he took a drag. Aiden must have sensed my presence, because he looked right at me and smiled. He dropped his smoke to the ground and stepped on it.
“Well?” he asked.
“All done.”
I stepped into his open arms and held him tightly.
“I’m so proud of you, Precious,” he said.
I pulled away, grabbed his hand, and kissed his ringed fingers. He had a new tattoo on them, still red and irritated, but I loved it. There was an ‘A’ on his index finger, a ‘J’ on his middle finger, another ‘A’ on his ring finger, and an ‘X’ on his pinky.
I scolded him for getting my name on his hand, but he dismissed me, claiming he was never leaving me, anyway.
“How do you feel?” he asked.
“Good. Really good. Tomorrow may be different, but for now, I’m doing great.”
Aiden wrapped a hand around my neck and pulled me down for a kiss. “I love you,” he said when we came up for air.
“I love you, too.”
His fingers threaded with mine, and I looked at him, wanting to broach something we hadn’t really talked about yet but probably should.
“Baby… Would you like to see if you can get in to visit my therapist? To, you know, have someone to talk to?” I asked gently.
Instead of getting angry with me as I’d expected—because no matter how sweet he’d become, he could still get pissy—he smiled softly.