Page 18 of Blaze & Ajax
“Do you need to come?” I asked.
“Please… God.”
“Do you deserve to come?”
“Only you can tell me that.”
“Then come.”
With his hands still pressed to the cold glass, he suddenly spilled hot cum into my hand. I milked him until his body convulsed. When he finished, I slipped my finger out of his ass.
When I slowly stepped away, I palmed my cock, which was hard again as Blaze rested his forehead on the window, his shoulders rising and dropping rapidly from being out of breath.
Suddenly, he stiffened and pulled up his underwear and pants, zipping up.
He refused to look at me as he blasted past me toward the door. I could’ve sworn I saw tears there, but that wasn’t possible, right?
Without a word, he left my apartment, slamming the door behind him, and I let him.
I looked down at my hand, still holding his cum.
“What the ever-loving fuck was that?” I said out loud.
What came over him? And what the hell came over me?
I didn’t know how to process this new information about what just happened between us. Blaze clearly needed something. Specifically, he needed that something fromme. But why? Why me, of all people?
Was this a one-off? Would he want more? Could I give him more, and would I want to?
No, this had to be a one-time deal. Blaze was needy, clearly, but we both had too much pride to give in like that again.
Buzzing with an abundant amount of energy, I washed my hands, grabbed my smokes and lighter, and headed out of my apartment and up to the roof.
I still wasn’t wearing anything but my sweats, but the cold air soothed my heated skin and my satiated body. It was loud out here, with traffic from everyone going home, horns honking, and sirens in the distance—there were always sirens around here. But I loved the city and its chaotic energy.
I cupped my hand over the cigarette in my mouth and lit it up. Taking a long drag, I blew out the smoke into the dusky night as I thought about Blaze. I was clearly missing some sort of connection with him and his need to be at my place. Why me? Why now?
Fuck it. If he refused to talk about it, what did I care?
He probably wouldn’t be back anyway, and we could go back to hating each other.
Still, I felt alive. I thrummed with this power I hadn’t experienced before, like some sort of fucking superhero. That was the best blow job I’d ever had in my life, and it was done by my damn enemy. Having Blaze on his knees, completely giving in to me… I couldn’t describe the high.
After taking another drag, I hopped on the narrow concrete barrier meant to keep people from toppling off the building. I put the cig in my mouth, spreadmy arms out at my sides, and put one foot in front of the other as I used it as a balance beam.
When I looked down the fourteen flights, I teetered, catching myself. My heart raced, and I whooped in excitement and fear into the night.
I picked up my pace, moving along the edge of the barrier, the edge of the building, the edge of the fucking world.
I lost my balance again and wobbled back and forth before throwing my body back toward the rooftop, where I fell hard onto my back, knocking the wind out of me for a second. My heart raced, and my breathing stopped as my brain caught up, realizing I’d nearly fallen to my death.
Then, I burst out laughing like a fool, lying there, staring up at the starless sky.
Fuck, what an epic day.
I felt so alive.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Imuttered to myself, lighting up a smoke with trembling fingers.