Page 42 of Blaze & Ajax
I snorted a laugh as I bent down to pull up his underwear and jeans. He quickly took over, zipping them up.
“I hadn’t expected this, but I’m glad it happened. Thanks,” he said.
Smiling, I lifted his chin with my index finger and gave him a small peck. “If I had the stamina and knew it wouldn’t hurt you, I’d do this every day. Shit, my libido is in overdrive, and your gorgeous ass isn’t helping.”
Blaze scanned my face with his black, soulful eyes that I once thought were soulless. “It’s a good thing we don’t. You look like shit, you know,” he said, brushing his shirt of wrinkles, then running ringed fingers through his hair to fix it.
“Thanks a lot,” I deadpanned. “Way to boost my ego.”
“I’m being serious. If we do this, you’ve got to be healthy. You need to eat and sleep. You look like you’re losing weight. Are you sleeping? Eating?”
I ran a hand through my hair. “Not really, no. I’ve been feeling off for several weeks now. Some days are better than others. Food has been… oddly bland. I’llget over it. Tell you what, I’ll take a few Advil PM tonight and get some rest. I don’t have to work in the morning.”
“Good. The last thing we need is for you to pass out on me or something.”
We were in this together now. We were intertwined and always had been. Bad or good, we had some sort of strange relationship, and I didn’t hate it. I didn’t hate him anymore, either. It was weird how sex did that. But this wasn’t any sex. This was sex that required complete trust and communication.
I pressed my hand to his cheek, leaned down, and pecked his lips again. “It’s nice to see you care so much about me.”
He rolled his eyes and shoved me away. “I don’t.”
But the small smile on his lips told me he was a liar. He liked me, even just a little bit.
I watched him walk off, squirming, no doubt from his leaking ass, as I lit another smoke so we didn’t go back to our friends at the same time. I scrolled on my phone, going through my social media, biding my time.
After about fifteen minutes, I headed back to skate. I was energized and itching to do some tricks.
When I walked into the other building, I found my friends all staring at me with unreadable eyes.
Did they know? Could they tell what we’d done? Did it fucking matter? Not really, but it was out of respect for Blaze. And I’d have to explain why suddenly we didn’t hate each other so much anymore.
I glanced at Blaze, who looked like he’d literally just been fucked, which he had. His hair was still kind of a wreck, and his lips were all swollen. Damn, he looked sexy as hell.
“So, where were you guys?” Stix asked with a smirk, looking way too pleased with himself.
“Your roots need to be done,” I said instead of answering him.
Stix reached for his head, touching it as if he could see the dark brown hair peeking through the bleach-blond strands. “Do not! Are my roots showing?” he asked Stone.
Crisis averted.
I looked at Blaze and winked. He gave me the bird, and I laughed, grabbing my board to skate.
Not even with myDom, did I have so much sex. I was lucky to have him twice a month. All this started two months ago with angry sex and now we couldn’t stop. Ajax was insatiable. Honestly, while exhausting, I obsessed over the attention. I felt… wanted and cared about, even by my worst enemy. But he wasn’t my enemy anymore, right?
I lay in his bed, panting and sweating, with Ajax half on top of me, also breathing heavily, feeling his heart beat so hard and fast against my chest. His dense body was like a comforting blanket. I pressed my nose into his hair and inhaled his shampoo, which smelled as spicy as his body wash. God, why was I sniffing him?
After every session, the emotions consumed me. It’d been like that before with my Dom, but not to the extent with Ajax. My Dom would’ve beendispleased had I cried afterward or been upset because it would’ve shown him he failed in my aftercare, and he never liked to fail at anything. But around Ajax, it was the only time I felt safe to let them out. Well, not at first, but eventually, he’d just let me… feel, without shaming me.
I also didn’t trust my emotions when I tried to grasp my growing feelings for Ajax—feelings I didn’t want to have. I didn’t want to know or hear how much I wasn’t wanted again or to be abandoned by someone I cared about. It was better this way. Staying silent protected every facet of me. Regardless, any residual hatred for Ajax was long gone.
He lay on my arm, but I lifted my free hand, hovering it over his back before touching his cooling skin. We were never intimate, except with the aftercare, but I suddenly had this urge to be so now. I wanted to fight it because intimacy led to the emotions I fought so hard against.
Regardless, my fingers had minds of their own as they trailed along his back, covered in silky-smooth skin, making goosebumps rise. I smiled at the reaction, like he enjoyed my touch so much, it affected his entire body.