Page 5 of Blaze & Ajax
“I think it’s fine. I didn’t hit it, but my fucking shoulder and hip ache like a bitch.”
“If you’re going to take risks like that, man, wear your helmet. The big vert ramp is too high and you’re going to break your fucking neck,” Stix complained.
I shook him and Nacho off. “I’m fucking fine!”
Their eyes grew wide because it was rare for me to snap at them. Not to my friends. Everyone else be damned.
“Dude.” Stix’s voice sounded hurt, but I shrugged off and headed back to where I put my shit and grabbed my helmet, determined to perfect the trick.
“Helmets are for pussies,” Blaze scoffed. “No one wears helmets.”
I stormed over to him and fisted his jacket, already in a mood. I didn’t need him to make it worse. “The fuck you callin’ a pussy, pussy, you… fucking pussy gremlin. You’re so scared, you don’t even skate.”
Blaze stood his ground. Why wasn’t he afraid? I could fucking crush him. “You gonna cry now,Jaxon?”
“No, but I’m gonna make you cry all the way back home to your mama.” His black eyes narrowed and his brow dropped. “Hit a nerve, did I? What? Did your mama not love you enough?”
Blaze grabbed my forearms and painfully dug his blunt nails into the muscle. “Shut the fuck up about my mom.”
Cueball finally intervened. He was calm, but his face dared me to keep going. He was as big as I was but broader. No doubt he’d be able to hold his own against me.
“Touch him again, Ajax…” he warned. Then he faced Blaze. “Shut your mouth. If you two are going to dig into each other, at least be clever about it. Your arguments are stupid and boring. I know five-year-olds who have better comebacks.”
I shoved Blaze back, and he nearly fell on his ass. “You’re not fucking worth it,” I hissed.
Instead of going back to skating, I sat with my friends and lit a smoke, unable to keep my eyes off the short spark plug named Blaze.
“Eyes up here, dickhead,” Blaze snapped at me.
My face burned from getting caught looking at him. “I’m… I’m not looking at your dick, fuckhead.”
Blaze smirked, wearing his‘gotcha!’face. “Who said anything about dicks?”
I felt the heat singe my face even more as he got the upper hand. Fuck, I wanted to punch that smirk off, the septum piercing gleaming as much as his demon-colored eyes.
Before I gave in to my impulses to kill him, Pippin and Nacho put their hands on me to hold me down. I huffed, but didn’t fight them. When Blaze’s smirk turned cruel, I fisted my hands, doing everything in my power to keep from jumping him.
Finally, a comeback hit me and I calmed down, knowing I was going to get Blaze to lose it. “What I meant to say is I wasn’t looking at your dick because you don’t have one, or it’s too small to notice. I was just trying to find it.”
Stix facepalmed and everyone groaned at my dick joke, except for Blaze. His smile dropped and his eyes turned deadly as Cueball and Stone tried to hold him down. “The fuck you say?”
“Why don’t you two idiots just fuck already?” Jazz said, blowing a bubble from her gum as she scrolled on her phone. The pink in her blond hair almost matched her gum.
Blondie’s sweater fell off his slender shoulder as he giggled and nodded, his long blond bangs falling into his face. “Yep, that’s the only way to resolve your issues.”
My stomach rioted at the idea of fucking Blaze. Not in this lifetime.
“As if!” Blaze suddenly snapped.
“I fucking hate that prick!”I clapped back.
“I wouldn’t touch him if my life depended on it!”
“... microdick.”
I preened again as his face turned bright red from anger.
Everyone started laughing, but I wasn’t sure if it was at us or what Jazz had said.