Page 52 of Flawless
“But what about Kendall? She always saw things in a different light than the others. Maybe I can get through to her,” I say of the show’s other executive producer.
“I’m sorry, Dani. I tried.”
“With Kendall, too?”
“What did she say?”
“Does it matter? She’s not interested.”
“What did she say?” I demand through clenched teeth.
Sighing, Jade says, “This serves no purpose.”
“If you don’t tell me, then I’ll call her myself and find out what she has to say!”
“She said that you’re a train wreck waiting to happen,” Jade says softly.
Tears prick my eyes as my heart squeezes. I always thought Kendall was one of the good ones. She’s invited me to numerous birthday celebrations for her kids, herself, and her husband. We’ve had brunch several times, and she’s even bought me gifts for my birthdays and show celebrations. Kendall is the closest thing to a friend that I thought I had at the studio.
“But I’ve worked so hard to turn things around,” I whisper as the tears begin to fall.
“Dani, are you alone? Do I need to come down there?”
“No! I don’t...I’m fine. I don’t need any company.”
“But maybe you shouldn’t be alone. You don’t sound so good.”
“I’m not alone.”
“Who’s with you?”
“A friend.”
“A friend?”
“Someone I trust.”
Exhaling loudly, she says, “Okay. I’m sorry, honey. I’ll be working on something else for you. Just give me a couple of weeks, and I’ll touch base with you again.”
“Yeah,” I say softly.
“If you need me before then, though, Dani, don’t you hesitate to call me.”
I end the call without saying goodbye. I stare at the screen of my phone until it goes black and automatically locks again.
My mouth is watering, and the pain of my past, my failures, and my losses return in full force. I sold my soul to have this show, and they’re just going to snatch it all away from me now? Was all this truly in vain? What was the point of all that I’d done if not for this?
I feel the ache deep inside of my chest, and it’s growing like a burning hole. As it spreads across the surface of my heart and flickers, the growing flame jumps off and burns the recesses of my mind.
My head aches as the memories flood my mind. I cry out, but no sound comes out. I can’t let Zenon find me this way. I stand and stumble blindly to the front of the cottage, searching for my keys.
When I finally find them on the hook, I head out and jump into the Jeep. Within less than ten minutes, I’m walking inside alocal package store. I don’t even second-guess my decision, nor do I battle with myself.
I grab a bottle of Hennessy Black and head to the cashier. Fumbling around in my purse, I find some loose bills and change, thankful that I don’t need to use my credit or debit cards.
After I’ve paid for the liquor, I hop back into the Jeep and head back to my cottage. I need some pills to take the edge off, too, but this will have to do for now. Maybe I’ll drive into Charleston in the morning to get my prescriptions from the house.