Page 16 of Punish Me
“Not that way. And no, she was...more than that.”
“You loved her?”
It’s not curiosity but hope in my daughter’s voice that makes me take the risk.
“She loved you?”
She smiles for the first time in a long time. “You deserve to be loved, Daddy.”
“Don’t worry about that.”
“I just want you to be happy.”
“I am.”
“Does she make you happy?”
“She does.”
“Then you should marry her.”
Laughing, I say, “I wish it were that easy.”
“It can be. You make everything else happen; make that happen.”
The logic of a child. If only.
My back rests against my closed office door. Closing my eyes tightly, I try to force the memory of that day away. Initially, I’d hoped she was lying, and maybe he’d just cheated, which was bad enough. I wouldn’t forgive him for that, but knowing there was evidence of his infidelity, living and breathing, was another battle altogether.
Damn, she was the cutest kid, though. Why the fuck did I have to be the one in this situation? Working with the man I’d loved for as long as I can remember who also broke my heart is bad enough, but today, I came face-to-face with the two main reasons for that heartbreak; his daughter and his wife.
Looking that bitch in the eye when she opened that door, I only wanted to punch her in the throat. I saw the malicious, vindictive gleam in her eyes when she smirked, looked me up and down, and then referenced me as the “pretty little secretary.”
If it hadn’t been for his kid standing there, I would’ve shown her who the pretty little secretary was. Bitch!
I walk back to my desk and plop down, trying to regain my temper. Pressing my hands against my temples, I hear a chime on my computer and look up. A smile graces my lips as I recall the site I only recently discovered, Boss Be Damned.
I click into the chat “How to Resist Your Boss.”
@Undercover_Math_Scholar: I was late today, and SellingBS chewed my ass out again. He says this is my third time being late in one week. ?? It’s his fault. I dream about him! The struggle is real. I wake up late every morning with wet panties!
@Tortured_Admin: How?
@Undercover_Math_Scholar: He gives me suggestive looks, watches my ass when I leave the room and says shit like, “areyou juggling too many ?s?” All I want to say is that I only want to juggle his?s. Why can’t he bend me over his desk ?? me already?”
@Tortured_Admin: I’ve told you to quit playing and tell him what he’s doing to you.
@ Undercover_Math_Scholar: I’ve got a ??????.
@Perfect_Storm: It sounds like you need to quit your ?? or ??????.
@Undercover_Math_Scholar: That’s the problem. I need my ?? &?????? to pay my bills.