Page 14 of Break my Heart
A group of the younger guys are kicking back in the living room, cold brews in hand, eyes glued to the video game playing out on the high-def 70-inch screen. Half a dozen girls are mixed in, draped over the furniture.
“Hey, Hayes!” A hot brunette perks up as soon as she spots me walk in, raising a hand in greeting.
I give her a chin lift as I head toward the staircase.
“Come party with us!” she calls after me.
Without breaking stride, I shake my head. “Sorry, I’ve got some stuff to do.”
She pouts, batting her lashes. “And here I was hoping to be one of those things.”
A half-amused snort escapes me. “Maybe later.”
Even as I throw out the possibility, I know it’s not going to happen.
Not tonight.
Hell, probably not anytime soon.
It’s been a week since I watched Ava skate, and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about her. I’m not the kind of guy who loses sleep over a chick, but there’s something about her.
Normally, it only takes a wink or compliment from me to get a girl interested. But this one?
She’d rather throat punch me than return a smile.
I probably shouldn’t think that’s hot, but I do.
Once I make it to my room, I shut the door and lock it before pulling off my black Western Wildcats sweatshirt and the T-shirt beneath, tossing them both onto the bed. Barely do I notice the cool air that hits my chest as I fire up my laptop and set everything up.
I’ve done this enough times to have it down to a science.
Once I’m connected and the home screen loads, I enable the camera, making sure only my torso is in the frame. Not my face or any recognizable marks. Nothing that could give me away. Since I don’t have any piercings or tats, I don’t really worry about being identified.
If there’s a lady—or dude for that matter—out there who can recognize my dick, hats off to them.
I shove the chair away from the desk to give myself enough room to maneuver.
I’ve been doing these shows since my sophomore year. By now, I understand what my audience tunes in for.
Sometimes, I’ll stretch out on the bed.
Other times, I sit at the desk.
Once or twice, I’ve tried to get creative with a shower scene, but that gets tricky when you live with a bunch of dudes. It tends to raise questions when you saunter out of the bathroom after a twenty-minute shower with a computer tucked under your arm.
That’s the last thing I need.
I shove the buds in my ears and crank up a little mood music to lose myself in. It’s a trick I picked up early on. It looks way more natural if I forget about the audience tuning in.
All I can say is, who knew jacking off online would turn out to be so damn lucrative.
Luckily for me, I enjoy rubbing one out a couple times a week.
My scholarship covers my tuition and books. My online hustle pays for my living expenses and gives me enough cash to send Mom’s way at the end of the month.
It’s a win-win for everyone.
It wasn’t a lie when I told Mom I wasn’t mixed up in anything illegal.