Page 62 of Break my Heart
“I want to give you what you need. Trust me, I do. But I also want you to be sure about what you’re asking for.”
A pent-up breath rushes from me as relief courses through my veins.
“I don’t need to think anything over. That’s what I want.” There’s a beat of silence before I confess, “I’m tired of feeling damaged.”
His brow pinches, and his lips flatten in a tight line. I blink, surprised to find anger brewing in his green depths.
“The last thing you are is damaged. Not by a long shot. And you know what I’m going to do?”
I shake my head.
“Prove it to you.”
Hope cautiously rises within me.
More than anything, I want to believe him.
But how can I when the person I trusted most in this world broke his word?
It’s only with the passing of time that I understand how Nathan manipulated me, wielding the love and respect I felt for him against me.
It took months of intense therapy before I came to that devastating conclusion.
The idea of opening myself up enough to trust someone else again isn’t an easy one.
With shaking fingers, I pop open the door, wanting him to follow through on his promise. I live alone and have the entire apartment to myself. We can take care of business. Maybe a few times and then… who knows?
Or… he’ll take a peek inside my head and change his mind about this budding relationship.
Anything’s possible. I want to temper my expectations.
As I slide from the seat, I throw a glance at Hayes, who hasn’t moved a muscle.
“Are you coming up?”
His attention stays pinned to me as he shakes his head. “Can’t. I have class in twenty.”
Well, damn.
All the anticipation, excitement, and the little bit of fear swirling around inside me nose dives before erupting into flames.
I blink, thrown off by his response. “You do?”
The disappointment that floods my system is palpable.
“Yeah, and I can’t afford to miss.”
I chew my lower lip and throw out the offer before I can think better of it. “Tonight, then?”
Warmth enters his eyes as his lips quirk at the corners. “Count on it, Tink.”
I release a shaky breath with a nod. “Okay. Guess I’ll see you then.”
As soon as I slam the door closed, he backs out of the space and takes off from the parking lot.
I stare at the back end of the beat-up truck and wonder what I’ve gotten myself into.
But the excitement he was able to rouse within me…