Page 69 of Break my Heart
“What are you talking about? Of course it is. This is exactly why I didn’t bother calling first. I knew you’d try to bail.” Before Ava can say anything more, Britt continues. “A guy from my psych class is going to be there, and I want to introduce you. His name is Jack, and I think you two would really hit it off.”
Um, excuse me?
Over my dead body is that happening.
Before I can think better of it, I step out of the shadows and stalk to the door. Maybe Ava wanted to keep this on the downlow because of her father, but her friends need to understand that she doesn’t need help finding a man.
She’s already got one.
“Plus—” Britt’s voice comes to an abrupt halt as soon as she catches sight of me.
Once I’m directly behind Ava, my hands settle possessively on her shoulders. “That won’t be necessary,” I tell her, just so we’re clear on the situation.
Britt’s eyes widen. “Well, this is one plot twist I didn’t see coming.”
A slow grin spreads across Maverick’s face as Colby mutters, “No one I knew, my ass.”
Willow beams as she puts two and two together. “Perfect. Now both of you can join us.”
I’m tucked beneath Hayes’s muscular arm as we step through the back door of the club. The bouncer takes one look at the guys and waves us in. Blue Vibe is like an assault on the senses. The techno beat pulses off the black walls as strobe lights cut through the darkness. The interior can only be described as sumptuous. There’s a long stretch of glass bar at the far end of the room with booths and tables scattered around the perimeter. The dance floor is located on the opposite side of the space. Even on a Wednesday night, the place is jam-packed. There’s a surprising range of people inside, from students in college to adults in their mid-to-late twenties. A DJ sits perched high above the crowd in a booth, mixing music.
This isn’t the first time I’ve been here, but it’s different walking in with Hayes. Usually, I feel more like a fifth wheel. I keep catching glances from my friends. I haven’t said a word to them about Hayes. As soon as they got me alone in my room, I was bombarded with questions. Ones I didn’t have answers for.
My attention is drawn back to Hayes when his warm breath ghosts over my ear, and a shiver dances down my spine.
“Have I mentioned how amazing you look?”
My fingers flutter over the short black dress that barely skims my thighs. Britt found it in the back of my closet when she was rifling around for something I could wear. Apparently, a sweater and leggings weren’t going to cut it. She threatened to make a pit stop at her apartment to grab something for me.
Before I can respond, he adds, “Or how much I love when you wear your hair down?”
The thick mass has been left long and loose around my shoulders. I’m used to wearing it up so it’s out of the way when I skate. Most days, I forget to style it differently.
“Thank you.”
“Are you cool with your friends knowing we’re together?”
“Is that what we are?” Air gets trapped in my lungs as I blurt out the question. “Together?”
“I certainly hope so.”
The tension filling my muscles dissipates as happiness bubbles up inside me. I couldn’t tamp it down even if I tried. I have no idea how everything will play out in the future, but for tonight, I’m going to go with it and just enjoy myself.
“Who wants a shot?” Colby asks.
Willow shakes her head. “Nothing for me.”
She recently confided that she was diagnosed with childhood leukemia in high school. So she does what she can to keep her immune system as healthy as possible without missing out on the things she wants to do.
Maverick also shakes his head.
Until this year, alcohol was only something I indulged in when celebrating my birthday or winning a competition. When you’re in training, there’s no place for it.
But tonight, I’m going to make an exception.