Page 82 of Break my Heart
“Have I mentioned how much I love being in your business and that I hope to do it again soon?”
“I liked it as well. That being said, I think you can take off your clothes.”
I press another kiss against her lips before rolling from the bed and coming to my feet. “Okay. You’ve convinced me.”
My gaze dips to her core, and I groan. “I’m gonna need you to cover that pretty little pussy, or I’ll be all up in your business for a second time tonight.”
“Don’t you mean third?”
“Well, they do say the third time’s a charm.”
“I look forward to testing out that theory.”
My hands settle at the hem of my gray Henley before dragging it up my body and over my head until I’m just as bare chested as she is. Now it’s her gaze that dips. My muscles tense as I stand in place, allowing her to look her fill. The heat in her eyes nearly singes me alive.
“What about the jeans?”
I can’t resist teasing her. “I was thinking of keeping them on.”
I jerk a brow. “Kind of bossy, aren’t you?”
A smile tugs at the corners of her lips. “Maybe a little.”
With a snort, my fingers drop to the button before flicking it open and dragging down the zipper. In one swift movement, I shove the denim down my thighs. Her attention drifts lower. It would be impossible to hide the boner that strains against the cotton of my underwear.
I love the feel of her eyes eating me up.
“You’re really beautiful,” she whispers.
“You stole my line. I was just thinking the same thing.”
She slips between the sheets before tossing them back, an invitation for me to join her. Once I settle beside her, I pull her naked body against mine and wrap her up tight in my arms. That’s when something deep inside me clicks into place.
A comfortable silence falls over us, and it doesn’t take long before her breathing turns deep and even. I press my lips against her hair and draw in the subtle scent of the floral shampoo that clings to her.
For the first time in my life, complete contentment washes over me.
The feeling is just as addictive as she is.
And I don’t want it to ever end.
It’s the bright sunlight filtering through the gauzy curtains of my bedroom window that pulls me from the best sleep I’ve had in a long time. As my eyelids flutter open, I’m slammed with two realizations.
The first is that I’m naked.
The second is that I’m not alone.
A warm body is pressed against me.
Not to mention, that body is hard.
Definitely hard.