Page 1 of Keeping Score
I’m back in the halls of CHU. Crestview Heights University is a dreary fun-sucking cesspit of horny teenagers wanting to fuck their way through the cheer squad or the football team. You would think that after leaving high school these idiots would have sorted their lives out but no, all they want to do is pick an easy major so they can breeze through their classes and party all weekend.
“Senior year, motherfucker!” Saint shouts, so Corvin and I head toward where he, Crue and Beckett wait in line at the coffee cart. I shake my head when Saint begins to twerk in the busy line garnering the attention of all the girls nearby. Every guy here hates us but they also would suck a dick to be us for a day. Corvin, Beckett, Saint, Crue and me, we run this fucking school and have done so since we became the first freshmen to ever make the starting team. Girls throw themselves at us, and unlike the others, I don’t fuck the same pussy twice. I have a hit andquit it rule as I don’t want any of them catching feelings. I don’t have time for that shit.
“Smile, asshole, it won’t break your face!” I ignore Crue’s jibe as I say what’s up to Saint and Beckett. Saint has filled out a lot in the off season. The guys and me have been hitting the gym every day and making sure that we stay in shape and don’t slack off. I don’t want no fucking newbie coming in here thinking they can take our spots! Beckett stands silently next to Saint and Crue, his green eyes scan the area taking everything in. He runs a hand through his Ivy league styled black hair. Beckett is the quiet one out of the five of us. He may not say much but he hears everything. The guy is like a vault and loyal as fuck.
“You coming to Shayla’s party?” Corvin asks as he nudges me with his shoulder. I look over at my best friend and give him my bestare you fucked in the headlook. Corvin is a pretty boy, tanned skin, brown hair cut into a pompadour style haircut, light brown eyes and a smile and body that can melt the panties off any girl. We’ve been best friends since the third grade and are polar opposites. Corvin lives to party whereas I hate crowds and people touching me. “Come on, it will be fun,” he tries to plead.
I fight the eye roll that wants to break free. “You said that last time and then you, Saint and Crue rocked up to practice hungover and coach made us all run laps and do drills until you threw up! I am not fucking doing that again.” I cut a glare to Saint and Crue when they begin to laugh. Saint is a prankster, always making jokes about everything. He’s a fucking player and loves the ladies as much as they love him. With his blond hair, pale green eyes that almost look yellow and the tapper rich boy haircut just adds to the boy next door look he has going on. Crue is the baby of our group. He’s a year younger but super smart and skipped a grade in high school. He’s got a baby face that all the girls fall for—if it isn’t that they melt at the sight of his blue eyes, the fucker is so vain, he spends at least an hour everymorning fixing his blond quiff just to make it look the right kind of messy.
“Dude, this is our last weekend before practice starts. Let lose for once. Shit, even Beck is coming and not fighting us.” I shoot Beckett a look, he just shrugs and says,
“YOLO and all that shit.” Hearing the big fucker sayYOLOhas the four of us laughing and a rare grin making an appearance on his stoic face. Beck is a closed book, Corv and I met him when we were freshmen in high school. He was a transfer and we know he hasn’t had an easy life from little things he has said but he never goes into details about his life. When these three hit the parties Beck and I normally kick back at the house. Only the five of us live there and that’s how we like it. We never allow anyone into our house or throw parties there, that was my one rule.
“Yeah, alright. I’m in.” The three whore’s all high-five each other at my agreement. I stand here regretting my decision already. It’s not that I hate people, I just don’t like them. There’s a difference. I hate the fake fuckers who make small talk or the ones who talk too much, I don’t even talk to the girls I fuck. I nod, they squeal and follow me to wherever. Ineverkiss them or fuck from the front—doggy style only. The last girl I ever kissed is someone I should never have touched. She was forbidden to me and still I broke the first rule of bro code,never fuck your best friend’s little sister.
I push through the front door of our two-story ex frat house. The house is fucking dope and it’s all thanks to Saint’s dad who owns some tech company that he wants Saint to takeover. The front of the house has four large pillars and a little porch with a love seat that swings out front. Inside, it’s all hardwood floors, windowsand top of the line appliances—our five bedrooms all have their own bathrooms. The basement is set up like an underground club fit with its own bar. We even have a pool in the backyard. When Saint’s dad heard we were all going to CHU and found out they were going to tear this old frat house down, he bought and remodeled the whole thing for the five of us. Saint and his dad may not get on and I can’t blame Saint for hating the prick, he wants him to give up football and work for his tech company. Saint can’t outright refuse or he will be forced to pay back every cent his father has spent on him, he’ll get his revenge soon enough.
I dump my bag on the couch and follow the sounds of laughter toward the theater room that is just off the side of the kitchen. I pause in the doorway frowning when the sound of a girl’s laughter hits my ears. I grit my teeth, pissed that these fuckers broke another rule, no hoes are allowed anywhere except our rooms. I never bring girls here, nor does Beck. I barge into the room interrupting whatever conversation they were having. My gaze lands on Corvin and I pin him with a look that he knows all too well. He raises his hands in defeat and cuts a glance to the recliner in front of me, I narrow my eyes as I march around to see who the girl is and kick her ass out.
“Oh, he’s mad,” Crue fake whispers.
“Big mad you mean,” Saint joins in, laughing. I don’t see Beckett so he mustn’t be home.
“Who’s mad?” That voice! The moment I come face to face with the owner of said voice my mood sours even further. I stand in front of her, glaring, my nostrils flare at seeing her so relaxed and comfortable inmyfucking house! The fact that this dirty little liar can sit before me and look annoyed at the sight of me grates on my fucking nerves. The moment her green eyes lock onto mine, my blood begins to boil as memories flash through my mind. Her blonde hair is longer now but I can see somebrown tints through it like she has dyed it to look that two-tone color. She darts her tongue out to wet her lips and swallows audibly.
“I thought we said nohosin the house?” I grit out, her eyes widening in outrage. I lift my chin in triumph, knowing that my insult hit its mark. Corvin leaps out of his seat pulling my attention to him, his face a mask of anger.
“That’s my fucking sister you’re calling a whore, asshole. She can go anywhere she fucking likes in this house, the rules don’t apply to her,” he snaps. I turn back to face the two-faced bitch who turned my heart to stone as I answer my best friend.
“The rules never applied to her because like the snake she is, she would slither around them anyway.” Leah gasps clearly upset at my words. I don’t stick around after that, heading straight back out of the house, I jump on my Ducati and peel out of the driveway needing to get the fuck away from her and clear my head. It’s all her fault everything went to shit! I have no destination in mind as I fly down the coastal road letting the sea breeze wash over me. Seeing her again has brought all the anger that I fought to keep buried inside me back to the surface. I thought Leah was different. When we were together, she never treated me differently, their family took me in and gave me a home. I gave their daughter my heart and she broke into a million fucking pieces.
It's in this moment a thought hits me, Leah fucked me over so badly I didn’t even see it coming. It’s my turn for revenge, I’m going to make sure Leah Williams knows just how much I fucking hate her. Her time here at CHU is going to be hell. I’ll make sure of it.
After Darius stormed out, Corvin, Saint and Crue took me out to a local Mexican restaurant where we sat and laughed for hours before the guys dropped me back at my dorm. Settling into my new school has gone smoother than I thought. I expected to have trouble with my roommate but Cody is actually really freaking cool and loves to hang at the beach like me, is on the dance team I just tried out for and doesn’t give a shit what anyone thinks of her! The best part though, Cody doesn’t push for answers. When she asked me why I transferred, I clammed up, so she dropped the subject straight away and took me to Starbucks. The week has been a cluster of days with me trying to navigate my way around the new school and finding my place among the hordes of people here.
“What have you got after lunch?” Katie asks from her spot next to me on the picnic table, she is beautiful, legs for days, blue eyes, incredible body and has the blonde poofyDolly Partonhairgoing on. Oh, did I mention she is from the south and has that crazy, sexy twang to her voice?
“Calculus.” I groan, making the girls around me pull sour faces. Cody introduced me to her friends on my first day and we all hit it off. It helps that they are on the dance team and has made getting adjusted easier.
“Girl, you are gonna hate it because Mr. Thompson is an ass,” Becca supplies, making me feel even more defeated. I suck at all things numbers unless it’s the counts for a routine.
“He fails everyone!” Cody interjects. I peer across the table at her, trying to gauge if she is joking. When she doesn’t crack a smile, I drop my head to the table and sigh.
“I’m so fucked,” I mumble into the wood, causing the girls to laugh.
“Oh shit, three o’clock. We got incoming!” At the excited tone of Chelsea’s voice I perk up and look toward where she said, then scrunch my face. Turning back to the girls, I find them all sitting straighter and pushing their chests out. Well not all the girls, Cody and Katie seem annoyed that we have incoming.
“There’s my pretty blonde!” I turn to the side and straddle the bench seat as I look up at my brother and his friends. I learnt on my first day that Corv and the others run this place, they are gods amongst us lowly humans. “Gonna introduce us?” Saint teases as he waggles his brows at me, so I throw him a bone.
“Girls meet the guys, guys meet the girls.” Saint narrows his eyes playfully at me before walking around the table and straddling the bench seat behind me and rests his chin on my shoulder. Instead of looking at my brother, my gaze snaps to Darius waiting to see his reaction. It’s stoic as usual. Him and Beck never allow you to know more than they want you to.
“Get the fuck away from my sister, asshole!” Corvin snarls as he grips Saint over my shoulder and hauls him away from me by his shirt. The girls, gasp gaining my attention. When I look atthem, I find their shocked, almost gleeful gaze on me. I look to Cody for an answer but she just rolls her eyes. Unhelpful much?
“You never told us Corvin was your brother?” Becca says in the most high-pitched tone, that I’m sure she thinks is sultry and alluring. My face contorts and this is the part that I hate and the reason I chose to go to a different college. Whenever any of the girls find out that Corv and I are siblings they flock to my feet and pretend to be my friend just to use me to get close to my brother.