Page 13 of Keeping Score
“Don’t start your shit,” I growl as I stalk past him and head for my room. I can’t even slam the fucking door because the fucker follows after me. I spin around and pin him with a look that I hope conveys I am not in the fucking mood.
“You hurt her and you ruin us all,” he says in a low even tone. I don’t know why but him butting his nose into what I do with Leah grates on my fucking nerves!
“Stay the fuck out of this, Beckett!” I growl as I clench my hands into fists at my sides. The big bastard doesn’t heed my warning and stalks toward me until we are chest to chest.
“Everything we have, everything we own is tied into the five of us and I won’t let you fucking ruin this for me.” I detect a hint of fear in his voice and that is the only reason I back down and step back looking at him in a different light. “Corvin will never allow that to happen?—”
“Too bad, Beck, because it’s already happened.” There is no point in lying, he put it all together himself.
“Darius, we have too much to lose this year with the companies merging, and we need to ace these midterms. If Corv finds out about you and his little sister, it is going to derail everything. Find someone else to fuck and torment but not our best friend’s little sister.” A whoosh of air escapes me, knowing that he is right. We have all worked too fucking hard to get this merger between BCD’S and Sullivan Global. This merger is everything we have worked so fucking hard to achieve—if we get this deal then that means we finally win!
“Okay,” I say on an exhale.
“Don’t lie to me, D.” I meet his stare with a firm look as I say.
“I won’t fuck this up. I need this as much you, Crue and Corv.” I don’t bother mentioning Saint because his dad is loaded and he’ll land on his feet either way this deal goes but for the four of us, this deal is our ticket out of here. I didn’t have a dad, the useless fucker skipped town as soon as he knocked my mom up. She was weak and went back to jabbing needles in her arm and forgot she had a kid. I didn’t know what it was like to go to bed warm and with a full belly until I met Corvin. He and his family took me in, gave me a safe place to rest my head plus, my mom didn’t put up a fucking fight when Mrs. Williams asked if I could live with them. The useless bitch packed my bags herself and I haven’t seen or heard from her since.
Beck eyes me warily for a second before nodding stiffly. “Stay away from Leah.” is all he says before he turns and walks out of my room. Staying away from the she-devil would be a lot fucking easier if she didn’t live here!
I manage to avoid Leah for the next three days, in doing so that means I’ve had to avoid the guys and most importantly, Corvin. I can’t stand there and look at him when all I can think about is how making his sister come on my hand is the hottest sexual encounter I’ve had in years!
I fucking hate it. I hate her and how the sounds that come out of her mouth as she comes has me burning up inside. My cock is rock fucking hard at the thought of her and how her pussy clenched the fuck out of my fingers like she was milking my cock for all it was worth.
“Where the hell have you been?” I spin around at the sound of Corvin’s voice. He marches toward me with his helmet under his arm, his boots sounding like high heels as he moves. The locker room is practically empty except for a few guys. I’ve been staying out later training each night so I wouldn’t run into him in the locker room but I guess my luck has run out. He doesn’t stop until there is a foot of space between us, his stare burning into me but I give nothing away. “Out!” he shouts, and like good little dogs the remaining guys clear out at the order of one of their kings. Our word is law and no one wants to fuck with us.
When the locker room is finally empty, I step back and lean against the lockers crossing my arms over my chest. Corvin has a look in his eyes that I know all too well, that look means he knows something is up and will do whatever it takes to find out.
“Why the fuck are you avoiding me?” he growls.
“I’m not,” I say in an even tone.
“Bullshit!” he shouts. He’s my best friend and has been for fucking years, I hate lying to him but I’m also fucking petrified that if he finds out about me and Leah, I’ll lose him and I can’t have that. “What the hell is going on, D. Something has been up with you and I want to know what it is.”
“Nothing is wrong. I just had shit to do!” I snap. I push off the locker and try to pass him but he shoves me back until I slam against the metal. I shove him back only for him to regain his stance quicker than I expected and get right in my face.
“Fucking tell me!” he yells.
“I want Leah out of the house!” I shout back. His eyes widen and his fury is replaced with surprise.
“Your pissy and avoiding me because my sister is living with us?” The confusion can be heard in his voice, I don’t blame him for being shocked.
“She… she just needs to move because I don’t like living with her.”
“Newsflash, asshole, she isn’t moving back to the dorms.”
Now I get in his face. “The fuck do you mean?” I grit out. The fucker smiles and it’s filled with self-satisfaction.
“Until I find out the truth about why the fuck shedroppedout of her school and came here, I need her close so I can watch her.” I pull back and stare at him.
“What do you mean?”
He sighs then drops his helmet on the bench seat behind us, before running a hand through his sweaty hair. “Mom and Dad are giving her the cold shoulder because she won’t tell them why she dropped out. They are stressing because they found out that the Flanders from next door are having to sell because the banks upped their repayments and they think theirs will go up. How the fuck do I tell them I paid off their mortgage and everything they think they pay the bank weekly has been goinginto a savings for them to retire?” My frustration about the Leah situation flees me when Corv drops on the bench seat and cups his face between his hands. I follow his lead and sit next to him, placing my hand on his shoulder in support.
“As soon as this merger goes through none of us have to hide, but right now with the non-disclosure in place, we can’t say shit. BCD’S is going to go global. We dominate the stock market and closing this deal with Sullivan Global will grant us the financial freedom we have busted our asses to achieve from the start.” From the moment the five of us decided to start BCD’S we have always pushed to go global with the stock market. This merger means we can own the biggest stock company and hotel chains, shit even the resorts, which in turn means we’ll have thousands of employees beneath us and never have to worry about finances again.
“I know. It’s just keeping all this a secret is fucking hard when I know I can take their stress away.” He turns to look over his shoulder at me. “I can’t kick her out, D. I need to know what the hell is going on with my sister. My mom said she went home for a few weeks before coming here. She said something wasn’t right with Leah and she was really worried about her.” A pit forms in my stomach. Leah and her mom have always been close, so for her to not confide in her mom is so out of character.
“What the fuck happened?” He sits up straight and shakes his head.