Page 16 of Keeping Score
“Beck?” He pulls his angry stare from the stairs Leah just ran up to look at me.
“I need to make sure she’s okay.” His eyes narrow as he says,
“No, I told you?—”
“Something fucking happened, Beckett. Leah doesn’t cry, so whatever happened is fucking big. She needs me,” I shout. His gaze hardens the longer he stands there staring at me, it takes an age before he gives me a curt nod. I’m racing out of the living room and taking the steps two at a time as I go in search of thegirl that I planned to destroy, only by the looks of things, some other motherfucker beat me to it!
I grip her door handle and try to open it, but it’s locked. I pound on the door for a minute but when she doesn’t answer, I growl, turn and storm into my room to find the bathroom door closed. I try to open it but it’s locked. Fuck this. I storm over to my desk, yank the draw open and grab my pocketknife out. I use it to twist the lock on the sliding door open. When it clicks, I chuck the knife onto my bed and open the door. Steam hits me right in the face, and the second it clears, I see her and my chest caves in.
“Fuck!” I growl as I storm into the room, and yank the glass door open. She’s too focused or in a trance to even notice me thanks to her rabidly scrubbing her body. Her skin is bright red and raw from the hot water and her frantic need to scrub the skin from her body. Reaching in to turn the water off, I curse when the water splashes onto my arm—the fucking shower is hot as fuck.
I turn it off and it’s only then she snaps out of it and snaps her gaze to me. Her green eyes are wide but not from fright, it’s… guilt. “Goldie?” She shakes her head and takes a step back from me.
“Stay away from me, you need to get far away from me.” Her voice is devoid of all emotion and that scares the shit out of me.
I raise my hands in surrender, keeping my eyes on hers as I ask, “What happened, baby?” Her bottom lip trembles and her eyes fill with tears.
“Leave, Darius!” she screams.
“Never,” I growl out as I reach for her and pull her against me. She tries to fight me off but I’m too strong. I wrap my arms around her wet body as she tries to pound her little fists against my chest.
“I hate you! I fucking hate you, Darius. Let me go.” I weather her words and fists for a full minute before she finally crumbles in my hold and tears pour from her eyes as she breaks down in my arms. I lift her out of the shower. She wraps her legs and arms around me as she buries her face in the crook of my neck. I snag a towel on my way out of the bathroom and head for my room. I try to place her on her feet to dry her but she won’t let go. Sighing I drop down on the edge of my bed and try to dry her as best as I can before wrapping the towel around her back so she doesn’t catch a chill. After a moment of hearing her sniffle and cling to me like I’m her lifeline, I give in. I wrap my arms around her and hold her tight allowing myself this moment to get lost in the feeling of being this close to her.
“I’m right here, Goldie. Whatever happened you can tell me about it,” I say in a calm tone. She shakes her head against my neck and burrows in deeper, her legs locking around my waist as she tightens her grip with her arms. I’ve never seen Leah like this before. She is usually so fucking strong and resilient, nothing can keep this girl down. A shiver works its way through her body. I curse before I stand, her hold on me is so tight I don’t even need to hold her, then pull the covers on my bed back, ready to place her underneath them but the sound of Beckett’s voice has me pausing. I’m fucking glad I have my back to him or I’d have to knock my best friend out for seeing my girl naked.
My girl?
“Is she okay?” I can’t even turn my head to look over my shoulder at him, thanks to the head currently buried into the side of my neck.
“She will be, now fuck off,” I say in a hurried tone.
“Why is there a towel… oh fucking hell, Darius!” he snarls, and I cut in before he continues down the path of his wayward thoughts.
“I had to help her out of the shower. That’s it, nothing more. Now get the fuck out so I can put her to bed,” I snarl, getting annoyed at his constant intrusion into everything I do with Leah.
“Her room is next door!” he adds smugly.
“Not tonight it isn’t. She stays with me, so unless you want to see our best friend’s sister naked and me strip down to get in behind her, you’ll get the fuck out now!” He mumbles beneath his breath but it’s too quiet for me to make out. The sound of my bedroom door closing has me snapping back into action and trying to place her under the covers. Even when I lay her in the bed she refuses to let go. “You need to get under the covers, Goldie.”
“Don’t leave me, Darius, please.” The broken tone of her voice fucking spears me. I close my eyes, trying not to war within myself. After everything she has done and put me through, can I give her one night of the old me and hold her through this? A small whimper escapes her and that makes the decision for me.
“I won’t leave but I need you to let go so I can get out of these wet clothes, then I’ll jump in with you.”
“Pinky swear?” Despite my torment I smile at her antics—she would always make me pinky swear if she didn’t think I would follow through.
“Pinky swear, Goldie, now let go and hop under the covers.” My words seem to put her at ease. She releases her hold on me and slips under the covers. I make quick work of stripping off my pants and shirt, then shut off the light and climb in behind her. I keep an inch of space between us. She isn’t having that, she snuggles into my side. Her leg is thrown over mine and her arm lays across my stomach. I can feel her bare fucking pussy against my side and it’s taking every ounce of power I have not to roll us over and sink my hardening cock inside her tight wet heat.
Silence stretches but it isn’t uncomfortable, her tears have stopped and she isn’t shivering anymore. I don’t know if it’s frombeing under the covers or the fact that she is plastered to my side and absorbing my body heat. She traces lazy patterns across my abs, the feeling of her hands on me is the worst form of fucking torture but I am powerless to stop her.
Girls at CHU think they need to appear easy to capture my attention. Leah never had to do anything to capture it because she had it from the moment I saw her. I may sound like a little bitch but Leah Williams was my childhood crush and my first love. I really thought she was it for me but I was so fucking wrong. A tired sigh escapes me and she tenses.
“You’re going to kick me out now, aren’t you?” she whispers, her breath fans across my chest causing gooseflesh to erupt all over my body. How this girl holds so much power over me still I’ll never know. I open my mouth to answer but snap it closed the moment her fingers trail lower. When she reaches the waistband of my boxers, she tilts her head back and stares up at me. The only light source is the moonlight streaming in through the windows. I can see the need in her eyes. “Please.” That one whispered fucking word seals my fate. I reach out, grip her chin in my hand pulling her to me. She hovers above me searching my gaze for a sign that I’m going to back out and leave her high and dry like the other night, when she doesn’t see it, she smashes her lips against mine. I groan at the taste of her when she slips her tongue inside my mouth—she tastes likehome.
She deepens the kiss as she pushes her dainty little hand inside my boxers gripping my length. I break the kiss and hiss at the feeling of having her hand wrapped around my cock. All my carefully crafted rules fly out the window. I blew my no kissing rule with her twice. Leah has never been shy when it comes to taking what she wants or telling me what she needs. She isn’t like most girls, they get shy and look away while they suck your cock but not her, she holds my gaze as she strokes me. Her strokes are slow and measured but the moment her little fingers feel thepre-cum leaking from my dick, her eyes widen and gasp slips free.
“Fuck,” she grits out before yanking her hand free and moving away, I rest up on my elbows about to lose my shit at her but she throws the covers back, grips the waistband of my briefs and yanks them down, so I keep my mouth shut.