Page 46 of Keeping Score
I spot Corvin’s headlights through the windows, my nerves go haywire inside me knowing that I probably overstepped and pissed him off more. I thought going to the police would be the right thing, at the time it seemed like a really good idea to do it but now as I sit here in the living room, with my friends on either side of me, I begin to doubt my decision. When the headlights cut off, I take a deep breath and begin to pick at my hangnail. I wish I had trained for another hour with the girls, maybe then I would have been too tired to care. When the sound of car doors close, I begin to pick at my nail harder.
Cody places a hand on top of mine, shooting me an encouraging smile. “We’re right here with you, every step of the way.”
I melt a little inside. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you both but I am so grateful to have met you,” I say to them both. We share a quick awkward three-way hug just as the front dooropens, then we slowly pull apart. I sit here biting my bottom lip as I slowly lift my gaze to see the guys walking in. I release the breath I didn’t know I was holding at the sight of Darius.
He’s safe.
He glances at me for a brief second before he turns and heads up the stairs, Cody grips my hand and squeezes while Katie leans her head on my shoulder. Saint and Crue wave out as they head for the basement to have an early night. Beck and Corv drop into the couch opposite us, both looking wrecked. Corvin rests his head back on the couch as he gazes up at the vaulted ceiling.
“I see my car is still in one piece.” I cringe and shoot Beck a toothy smile that has him smiling back.
“I swear I didn’t scratch it and I even put gas in it.” He narrows his eyes at me.
“Leah, I don’t give a shit about you using my car. I knew your ass wouldn’t be able to stay here and do nothing, so I left the keys out on the counter.” That shocks me. I cock my head to the side and study Beck. He may be quiet but he pays attention and listens to everything. It’s weird to find a guy who actually does that.
“You saved his ass, you know.” I pull my gaze back to Corvin who still won’t look at me.
“What do you mean?” I ask hesitantly.
“You going to the cops saved his ass. He would probably still be sitting in a cell right now if it wasn’t for you.” I flinch at the casual way he says that, like it isn’t a big deal that his best friend could have gone to jail because of me! I climb to my feet, glaring at my brother. The girls follow my lead. He lazily lifts his head and looks at me with a bored expression on his face.
“You can be angry all you want but guess what, Corvin, none of this has anything to do with you.” He opens his mouth but I push on needing to get this out while I have the nerve. “You’re just angry because Darius and I went behind your back. Lookhow you’re acting now. This is the reason we never wanted to tell you because we knew you would act like a damn baby! Grow the hell up and get over it. I’m eighteen and will do whatever the hell I like. Starting tomorrow, the girls and I are going back to school and if you don’t like that then you can suck a dick!” I storm out of the room with my head held high, but on the inside I’m screaming because I can’t believe I just said that to my brother! I race up the stairs and slam to a halt when I spot Darius leaning over the banister as I reach the landing. He turns his head toward me with a ghost of a smile on his lips. The girls slip past me and head for our room, closing the door quietly.
His eyes spark with mischief as he looks at me. “Corvin can suck a dick, huh?” I snort out a laugh and quickly cover my mouth with my hand and nod. He nods a couple times before he pushes off the banister and moves toward me. My breath hitches when he stops a step away from me. His brown eyes bore into mine, his hair flops forward onto his forehead and I want to reach up and push it back, but I don’t. “Thank you for what you did today, you didn’t have to.”
“Yes, I did,” I say quietly, afraid that any loud sound will scare him away.
He shakes his head as a sad smile graces his handsome face. “Nah, you didn’t. Enjoy school, Leah, and I hope you and Corvin sort everything out.” He tries to walk away but I reach out and grab his arm pulling him to a stop. I stare up at him in fright, panic begins to claw its way up my throat.
“Why did that feel like a goodbye?” I ask, scared that he may actually leave.
“Because it was. I finished what I set out to do.” I shake my head rapidly.
“You can’t go, you… you can’t leave. You have to stay!” My voice rises as hysteria begins to take hold of me.
“Corvin needs space?—”
Before he can finish he’s cut off. “You run away like a pussy, then don’t fucking come back. Be a man and face this shit.” I spin around to face my brother and stumble. Darius grips my waist to steady me. Corvin’s gaze is laser focused on where his best friend’s hands are now gripping me. Darius drops his hold on me and steps back. “That shit,” Corvin says as he points between us. “Doesn’t happen. Leah, you’re moving back to the dorms when we get back. You stay the hell away from Darius. If you don’t, his face is going to pay the price.” My mouth drops open in shock, I expect Darius to rebuke his claims but he just stands there silently. “Go to bed, Leah. We’re all leaving early tomorrow morning to head back.” His tone is final. I shoot him a glare before I shoulder past Darius, angry that he didn’t say anything and just stood there like a mute. I slam the door closed to my room only to find my friends sitting up in their beds with shit eating grins on their faces.
“We have a plan,” Cody says excitedly.
“Operation make him regret letting you go is in operation,” Katie says before her and Cody break out into giggles. Whatever their plan is, I’m in!
We’ve been back at school for two weeks now since leaving the cabin. I barely see any of the guys except for Beck. I know Saint is still mad at me and I honestly don’t blame him but when are they going to let this go? I mean for God’s sake, they are back on the team. Once they explained everything to their coach and what happened, they were reinstated but I didn’t get off as lucky. I was lucky not to be kicked out and I think I have my brother to thank for that, but I was kicked off the dance team and that fucking sucks! Mrs. Telford said I can try out for the team againnext year as long as there are no more incidents. She accused me of drugging Kyle and the others, but I truthfully had nothing to do with that. I’m still being monitored by all the staff and all the students here hate me because of what I did to their star players. Most of the students still make lewd remarks about the video—those comments are harder to ignore than I would like to admit.
“Heads up.” Katie says from her seat next to me on the picnic table. I look up to see Garrett and a couple of other guys making their way over to us. Aside from Cody and Katie, Garrett is like the only other person who will speak to me in public. I knew people would be pissed but I didn’t expect to be the social outcast. I feel like Moses, everyone parts when I walk through the halls.
“Hey, beautiful,” Garrett says to me when he reaches us. Cody gags earning a glare from Garrett, Katie blatantly ignores him—neither of the girls trust Garrett. They think he is using my social outcast status to his gain, thinking that I will change my mind and give him a shot. I’m still not even close to thinking about another guy or dating. I’ve been texting Darius every day since we got back. For the first few days he would leave me on read but now he just won’t even open my messages.
“Hey,” I reply.
“So what are your plans tonight?” he asks, and I shrug.
“Nothing, movie night I guess.”
He tsks me. “Nope. You ladies are coming out with us tonight.” I frown and shake my head.