Page 61 of Keeping Score
The normal carefree look in his eyes is gone, a serious look overshadows his face. “You may not like me or my relationship with Leah but you need to know, I care about her and won’t let a little dick like you hurt her.” My brows raise to my hairline surprised he had the balls to man up to me. “Word of advice, whatever is holding you back, let it go before she letsyougo.” I stand here staring at his retreating form for a solid minute before I snap myself out of it.
An hour passes by and Leah is still nowhere to be seen, worry begins to churn inside me, I can’t explain it but something doesn’t feel right. I sit here on the edge of the pool while the others swim and laugh, without Leah here I have nothing to smile about. When the sound of Ella Mai’s “Watchamacallit” pierces the air, I jump to my feet and rush over to the lounger. I set her ringtone to our song the night she gave me a lap dance. I hit answer and place it on speaker as I dry myself with my towel.
“Hey, Godlie.”
“Darius!” I turn to stone, my blood freezes in my veins at the sound of fear in her voice. I drop the towel and pick the phone up. I feel the guys closing in around me.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” I try to remain calm so I don’t scare her.
“Darius, I need you!” she screams, I hear glass shatter in the background, she screams in fright.
“Leah, where are you?” I shout.
“Stop, please no—” she screams then the line goes dead. I hit redial immediately but it goes to voicemail. I try again, only to get the same thing. I throw my phone across the yard growling.
“Where the fuck is my sister?” Corvin yells, I turn to the pool where the girls lean against the edge looking horrified.
“I don’t know, she said she was just going to get her phone and then come straight here,” Cody says, her voice thick with worry. Nathan leaps out of the pool with a murderous look onhis face, I rush over to him, wrap my hand around his throat and slam him against the banister of the deck getting right in his face.
“You have three seconds to tell me where the fuck my girl is or I’ll start breaking your bones.” He doesn’t cower or flinch.
“I have a feeling Garrett finally snapped. I think she’s with him.”
“He’s fucking dead!” I snarl.
I skip up the path that will lead me to Garrett’s frat house, guys sit on the porch laughing. I walk through the open door and look side to side for Garrett but can’t spot him anywhere.
“You looking for Garrett?” a boy calls from the living room.
“Yeah,” I answer.
“Upstairs, last door at the end of the hall,” he calls out.
“Thanks,” I mutter as I head up the stairs. I don’t like the idea of going to his bedroom but I need my phone. The quicker I get it, the quicker I can get the hell out of here, I tell myself. My head is pounding, no amount of painkillers or water is getting rid of this bad boy and I have no one to blame but myself for being an idiot and thinking I could handle Jack. I follow the guy’s directions and head toward the end of the hall. I stop outside the door, take a deep breath and square my shoulders as I reach up and knock.
“It’s open,” Garrett calls out. I turn the handle and open the door. Garrett sits at the desk in the corner of his room, shirtless. When he spots me in the doorway he lurches out of his seat clearly surprised to see me. “Leah.”
“Hey,” I say awkwardly.
“What are you doing here?”
“Uh, I forgot to get my phone off you last night.” The smile on his face falters slightly.
“Yeah, of course.” He sounds annoyed and I feel like an ass. He moves across his room to his dresser where my phone sits. He grabs it, instead of handing it over he holds it hostage in his hand. “Leah, can we talk?”
A resigned sigh escapes me as I nod. I like Garrett, he’s a nice guy. Even while I was away he would send me his calculus notes, which was sweet of him. Except, he had no idea I switched majors and no longer take that class, thank God! He waves his arm toward the bed to have a seat, I act like I didn’t see where he was pointing and sit on the chair he just vacated. His lips pinch in annoyance. I brush it off, not able to deal with his mood and my headache. He kicks the door closed before he drops on the edge of the bed with his arms resting on the tops of his thighs.
“I really don’t have long, I’m meeting my brother–” I clamp my mouth closed when his upper lip pulls back and his eyes darken. Fear begins to swirl in my belly.
“Where did you sleep last night?” He tries to mask the anger in his tone but fails.
“In my own bed,” I answer hesitantly. Garrett leans forward and I push back further into the chair wanting to put as much distance between us as I can.
“Huh, Chelsea said she saw you leave with Darius.” I frown.
“And if I did, why would that bother you?” His eyes narrow.