Page 14 of Regally Binding
He shook his head and pulled on the back of his neck. “It doesn’t matter. You’ve two minutes, and pack light.” Before he turned away, she fixed his gaze and dropped the sexy blue knickers into her case.
He continued to shake his head as he walked away while mumbling “fuck” under his breath repeatedly.
Chapter Eight
The plan to make Isla a decoy for Liss worked.
Steve also helped by drawing attention to “fake Liss” while pretending that was the opposite of what he was trying to do.
As Liss and Bear slipped out of her flat with a case and a couple of rucksacks, Liss reflected on her destiny. Suddenly, everything she understood was different. Bear held her back until he’d checked there were no paparazzi in sight. Greg, the pub regular, and his terrier, Joyce, were the only ones near the flat.
“Give me a minute,” Liss said to Bear as he tossed her bags into the back of the new black vehicle that Strike had arranged for them. It was a copy and paste of the last one.
“Liss, we have to—”
“Joyce,” Liss shouted, calling the dog over as Bear tapped his foot restlessly. She sneaked a dog biscuit out of her pocket and giggled as Joyce pirouetted before sitting in front of her. Greg had named the grumbly terrier after his dead wife, but even after all these years, Liss didn’t know if it was out of spite or respect.
“Are you okay?” Greg asked as he hobbled closer.
“Yeah, all good. And sorry, the pub is closed,” she replied. “I’ll get Steve on it.” Liss fumbled for her phone before remembering Bear kept it for his tech colleague to investigate. She couldn’t run the pub remotely without a phone.
“I saw him after the other big black car left, and those shouty camera people followed it.” Greg’s big eyebrows bounced.
“Yeah. A lot is happening,” Liss replied, conscious of Bear turning his head from side to side, presumably checking for risk. She spun her ring.
“Liss,” Bear demanded. “We need to go.”
Liss huffed. He had her best interests at heart, but there was much to come to terms with.
“I’m worried about you,” Greg confessed. “Promise me you’ll be okay.”
“I promise.” She hugged Greg quickly and slipped a ten-pound note into his hand. “Take care, and I’ll see you soon, yeah?”
“Okay, Liss.” Greg pointed a bony finger at Bear. “And you protect her, or we’ll come for you. Joyce may look like an angel, but she’ll take a chunk out of your ankle.”
Bear raised his eyebrows. “Liss is safe with me.”
Liss gave Joyce a quick cuddle before she and Bear jumped into the car. As Bear headed down the road, she waved at Greg and Joyce out of the back window. It was pointless because the vehicle had blackout windows, but she was waving goodbye as much to the life she knew as she was to her two favourite pub regulars. A lump filled her throat as Bear turned out of the road that held her sanctuary.
Hunger or the day’s activity must have wiped her out instantly because she was next aware of movement beneath her as someone jostled her in their arms. It was Bear. She held a sigh as the scents of his natural musk and aftershave filled her. The rhythm of his heart tried to lull her back to sleep as she rested her head on his chest, but she forced herself awake. The heat from Bear’s body and the gentle way he cradled her against his broad chest caused her to sigh softly. She nuzzled into his neck as she pretended to sleep.
“I know you’re awake,” he whispered, his breath tickling her skin. “But we can pretend you’re not if it’s easier. Stay quiet for now, Princess. I’ve got you.”
He juggled her slightly, and she opened her eyes a crack as he carried her through metal doors and into a lift.
“And so you know, you make the cutest moans when you’re asleep.” His mouth was against her hair. Tingles criss-crossed her body, and goose pimples covered her arms. Then he shook his head and mumbled, “Be professional with clients, Bear. Remember what Strike said. You can’t risk the business again.” Maybe he thought she genuinely was asleep, or maybe he was testing her.
Liss stilled in his arms as she recalled what she’d overheard in the kitchen. Strike stated that Bear had a reputation with clients. Maybe this was his way of keeping himself entertained on jobs before he moved on to the next one.
Bear jostled her around again, and she wrapped her arms around his neck to keep from falling as his palm pressed against her bum. Thank God she was still wearing her jeans and not a dress.
“Stop squirming, or I’ll drop you,” he said gruffly. “Now, be a good girl and hold on tight.”
Her stomach flamed.What I’d do to be his good girl.Her eyes widened before she snapped them shut. She tightened her hold around his neck and bobbed against his arms. The temptation to ask him to repeat “good girl” or to palm her butt teetered at the edge of her lips. Was she so desperate for a connection with everything going on that she was throwing herself into his arms?
The lift stopped, and they were on the move again. Bear’s steps thudded less now as if he were walking on softer ground. She refused to open her eyes and converse with whoever was around. Bear leant down, and suddenly, a supple mattress andsoft material replaced his touch. He slowly removed her hands from around his neck and pulled a duvet over her.
Liss’s eyes remained closed as she sank into the mattress. She didn’t want to know where she was or what was happening. Maybe if she fell asleep again, she’d wake up in her bed and everything would be a dream.