Page 40 of Regally Binding
“I’m not surprised.”
Liss eyeballed her friend. “What do you mean?”
“You haven’t worked out why Steve still works at the pub? Why he’ll always work at the pub as long as you’re there?” Isla sighed. “I thought you knew.”
“Knew what?” Liss asked, still hauling ice cream into her mouth.
Isla ran a hand slowly down her face. “It’s not for me to tell you. He needs to, or I must create a situation where he can.” Before Liss could ask what she meant, Isla changed the subject. “Now, tell me about the fall. Did one of the ghosts trip you?”
Chapter Twenty
An hour later, there was a loud knock at the door. Maybe Bear had decided he wanted to continue the earlier conversation. Liss shouted, “You can only come in to eat chocolate and talk sex.” She and Isla giggled.
The door flew open, and Strike strode through it. “I’d like a word with Liss, Isla.”
Liss winced. She wasn’t in the mood for another Strike lecture. She glanced at Isla for support, but she was checking her phone.
Isla jumped up and collected her stuff. “Shit. I should have met with my brother half an hour ago.” She grabbed the apple crumble. “I’m taking this. If you need me, give me a call. Make sure you sleep well tonight, as you’ve been through too much recently and need rest.”
Liss nodded as Strike glowered at both of them.
Isla hugged Liss quickly and whispered, “Don’t let that one bully you. I bet his bark is worse than his bite.” She waved to Strike, he ignored her, and she ran to the lift.
Liss wetted her finger and stabbed at the remaining crumbs of the strawberry cheesecake. It was the only pudding left, bar the chocolate torte she’d saved to share with Bear. She needed to stop fangirling over him, especially considering the Mazdy thing.
Strike cracked his neck before grunting his reason for being there. “The palace gave instructions for you to be there tomorrow first thing. I’m guessing the results are in.” If Bear was closed off, Strike was locked in a prison cell on a desertedisland. The guy was stoic and unfeeling. Didn’t he realise how significant a piece of news that might be to her?
Bear would have tried to soften the blow by leading into it. She chased another crumb around the bowl before stabbing it with her finger. It clung to her like she was a life raft before falling off and joining its crumb friends.
“I expect you ready by nine a.m. Bear and I will take you.” It was like a military command rather than a trip to the palace to determine if she was a princess. Tomorrow could change her life forever.
“Where is Bear?” She kept her head down and focused on the crumbs, concerned what she might reveal. Strike might release Bear from duty if he knew her feelings. She wasn’t ready for him to be gone from her life yet. She ground her teeth. She barely knew him, yet seeing Strike walk through the door rather than Bear, the ball of hope that grew every second she was with him shattered into smithereens, filling every vein with despondency.
“He’s with our other client.” Maybe he was treating that client with the same mixture of care and seduction he gave Liss. “And then he’s on an overnight break. I’ll be here to ensure you don’t leave like you did before.”
“I’m not a prisoner,” she snapped. But hurt ruled her angering heart more than being trapped. Bear had made her promises. When he’d rescued her at the pub, he’d promised he wouldn’t leave her side. She gritted her teeth, remembering the vulnerable story she’d shared with him. No one saw that side of her, and shame filled her that she couldn’t take it back. She was a silly girl with a crush.
Strike scowled. “We’re trying our best to keep you safe. You saw what happened when you didn’t listen to instructions. Do as we say, and you’ll live.” He cracked his neck again. “This business is important to us, and we have a reputation to uphold. You’re not helping that.”
Liss squeezed her lips. If they spoke to them like this, it was a surprise they’d any clients.
He let out a breath infused with contempt. “And another thing. Stop dicking around with Bear.”
“Dicking around?”
“This business is important to both of us, and he can’t have a distraction like you.” Her face stung. “He’s more vulnerable than he lets on. If you respect or care about him—a virtual stranger, I might add—back off and treat him as professionally as he’s trying to treat you.”
Like the moment he kissed me like I’ve never been kissed before?
Strike’s lips were pinched. Briefly, he and Liss remained like this, neither of them giving an inch.
Finally, Strike snarled, “You wouldn’t be the first client to try and seduce your bodyguard, and you won’t be the last. Bear doesn’t need that shit, so cut it out.”
“Are we done here?” she snapped.
Strike slammed the bedroom door. Liss threw a pillow at it. The loud thud garnered no response. So Bear was off-limits. That was fine because he’d not stayed as he promised. He was probably fucking Mazdy, and that was fine too. Everything was fucking fine. Liss was used to being alone, so nothing changed. Her ears pounded as she gripped the duvet.
Chapter Twenty-One