Page 46 of Regally Binding
“I didn’t agree to be recorded,” she exclaimed.
Liss unclicked her seatbelt and leaned closer to the phone. “What was it you said on my recording? Oh yes, ‘a story like this will sell even though it’s a lie.’ She forced herself on Mr. Bear.” What was his surname? She sped on so that Janice wouldn’t realise she was lying. “Which, in itself, is sexual assault and a crime she could be arrested for. But with fraudulent claims too? She’d be looking at serious jail time.”
Strike’s and Bear’s mouths dropped wide open.
“Hold on—” Janice shouted.
Liss smirked. “You see, Janice, Mazdy has very lucrative contracts and relationships with brands and charities. How many would you say there are? Twenty, maybe twenty-five?”
“She’s got forty contracts with extra endorsements nearly signed off,” Janice stuttered.
“That’s impressive. You must be a fantastic agent,” Liss replied.
Janice’s smugness at being so obviously flattered came out in a girlish voice. “I am the—”
“Well, all that’s about to change,” Liss cut in like a panther, gripping Strike’s headrest with her good hand. “Because when Mazdy is arrested, and this recording is released, it won’t just affect all those contracts, but you will lose her as a client, then your other clients will follow, and as a final insult, the industry will ostracise you. No money coming in and having to retrain as a bartender. God forbid.”
Bear covered his mouth, but his eyes twinkled. She gave him a wink.
Give me your phone. I need voice notes, Liss mouthed to Strike as Bear’s phone sat in the cradle.
“Tell me that you won’t let this story go to the press and that you and Mazdy will never discuss it again.”
“Well, I—”
“Fuck me. You must love being poor and working in shit places. You know, you could be charged with fraud as well? How does a criminal record sit with you, Janice, and what about a couple of nights in a prison cell? I bet—”
“Fine,” Janice shouted. Liss hit record on the voice note app. “This is a non-story. I will never put it out on any media, and we won’t ever go to the papers.”
“And no book deals or sneaky anonymous social media posts either.”
Janice repeated the sentence, adding between what sounded like gritted teeth, “And we’ll never talk to anyone about it again.”
“And you will never call my clients again.” Liss shouted “never,” freezing the bodyguards to their seats. “Because if you do, we will chat with others and see if Mazdy has a history of forcing herself on other members of her staff. Word will getaround about her behaviour, and no bodyguards will work with her again.”
“Fine. You have my word.”
“I’m not sure I can trust that, but I have my recordings.” Liss flicked her ponytail.
“Okay, okay,” Janice relented.
“Right, we’re done here. Goodbye.” Liss hit end on the phone and then the recording.
Bear whooped, and Strike sang her praises as Liss sat back in her seat.
“I could fucking kiss you,” Strike shouted, throwing his hands in the air.
Liss rolled her eyes. “That’s what got you two into this situation in the first place.”
“Good point. Where did you learn all of that? Could she be arrested?” Strike’s grin was so broad that she wanted to cheer.
Liss stretched her good arm and rested in the seat like it was her throne. “As if I know. When Mum was ill, I watched loads of law shows. I bullshitted my way through that entire call. But you have a recording now, you’ll never hear from them again.”
Strike laughed, but it was Bear that caught her attention.
Bear turned his body so far in the seat that he was fully facing her. After a heartbeat of locking his eyes with hers, he rubbed his chin and said quietly, “I can’t ever repay you for that.”
Liss smiled sheepishly, although her belly fluttered under his gaze. “Get me back to the hotel. And be quiet when Isla visits. I need a shower and to get a fancy dress for tomorrow.”