Page 102 of The Ranger
“Will someone explain what is going on?” Major said none too kindly.
“Certainly.” Melvale stood before him. “I haven’t had time to research your family’s tree, but somewhere in your tree was a Muiraran.”
“A what?” Major said flatly.
“Someone like me,” Melvale said. “And my brother.” He motioned to Markhel. “And Makama.” He gave her a regal nod.
Makama’s eyes darted around the room before she gulped.
“I beg your pardon?” Harrison said. “What the devil are you talking about?”
“They want to marry Maida off to him,” Sadie said for the second time and pointed at Markhel.
Major gave him a murderous look. “Over my dead body.”
“And mine,” Harrison added.
“Let’s not have any dead bodies lying about,” Melvale drawled. “The short of it is, the three of us, my brother, Makama and myself, are of an alien race come to your world well over a thousand years ago because… well the reason is a whole other story. Suffice to say we’re here, and our race discovered that our inner hearts, yes we have two,” he held up two fingers for emphasis. “Are quite compatible with certain humans. The Cooke family line especially. This is the reason why Jefferson isn’t here. Why Thackary is also gone.”
“They live with Duncan,” Harrison stated flatly.
“That’s what everyone believes,” Melvale said. “But in reality, they are living in the Muiraran Palace far in the future. Among our race are a handful with the ability to travel through time you see…”
Markhel pinched the bridge of his nose. “You’re giving them too much information, brother. They cannot comprehend it.”
“Now see here,” Colin said. “Don’t sell us short, old chap.”
He lowered his hand. “Forgive me. You and Belle are the exception.”
“Not helping,” Lany sang.
Markhel drew in a deep breath and let it go. He stood and faced Maida’s father and grandfather. “Your daughter is mine.”
“Okay,” Lany said. “That isdefinitelynot helping.” He pulled Tylahs from his pocket. “Here, hold him.”
Markhel took the Sarian without question and noted he was in his full Sarian form. He let him sit on his shoulders so the others could see.
Sadie gasped. “That’s one of those things!”
“Yes,” Markhel said calmly. “Tylahs and his people live in peace with ours.”
Harrison and Major stared at him a moment before Harrison shook himself and spoke. “What the devil is that? It looks like… like…”
“A tiny nightmare,” Honoria finished for him.
Tylahs sat on his haunches, grinned, then waved at them. “Hellosssk.”
Sadie’s hands flew to her chest. “Merciful heavens they do talk!”
Major stood, mouth agape. He stared at the little Sarian, nodded to himself, then marched into the pantry and emerged with a rifle!
Markhel grabbed Tylahs off his shoulder and held him behind his back. “Do not think of it.”
“Colin,” Harrison said. “What is all this?”
Colin sighed. “They’re telling the truth, brother. I wanted to tell you so many times, but I knew this would be your reaction. I was hoping, however, that it wouldn’t be Major’s.”
Major stared daggers at him before eyeing Markhel again and pointed the rifle at him. “Leave.”