Page 106 of The Ranger
“Rabbits or deer?”
“Anything, really.” She noticed she was leaning toward him and straightened. “He brought a few squirrels home once.”
He smiled at her. “Did he eat them?”
She made a face. “Pa made him. He said if he’s going to hunt God’s creatures, that he’d better have a good reason to, and that using them for sustenance was a good reason.”
“Very wise, your father.” He glanced at the parlor window. “He… cares for you very much.”
“Yeah,” she scoffed. “Sometimes I wonder if he even listens to me.”
He looked at her. “What do you mean?”
The front door opened, and Aunt Belle came out with two plates of cherry pie. “Dessert,” she announced and gave them each a plate. “I’ll be right back with some coffee.” She smiled at them, then disappeared into the house.
“We’d better eat our pie,” she said. “We could sit on the porch steps.”
“Very well.” He headed that way, sat, and scooted to one side to make room for her.
She didn’t know how long they’d be able to sit together like this. She supposed it depended on how long it took her family to notice.
Markhel gazed at the barnyard and the rise beyond. “Is your great grandfather still alive?”
“Grandpa Jefferson? Yes. Susara takes them their meals.”
“Jefferson and Edith,” he said in recollection.
“That’s right. They don’t get around much, and don’t like a lot of noise. So Susara, Mama, and Grandma cook and clean for them.”
He nodded then cut off a piece of pie with his fork. “And you help with that?”
“I keep them company. They like being read to. I don’t do it every day, but as often as I can.” She took a bite. The pie was wonderful, and she hoped he liked it.
“You love your family, very much.”
“What?” She stared at him a moment. “Well, yes. Of course. You love yours too, don’t you?”
“I do.”
“Where are they?”
He met her gaze. “Far, far, away, little one.” He took a bite of pie, his eyes never leaving hers.
Her body warmed, and she gave him a shy smile. Why ohwhy, did he have to leave?
She stabbed at her dessert, her heart crawling into her throat, and tried not to think about it.
Markhel finished his pie, sipped his coffee, and let Maida talk. She had a lilt to her voice he enjoyed, and tried to keep eye contact with her as much as he could. But when he did, his eyes wandered, and he found himself taking in more and more of her appearance. She was smaller than he’d like, but that was okay. Once they fully bonded, she would become... more. At least to him. She was also gentle. There was a calming presence about her, and even though she was skittish, she would settle into him over time as well. All in all, he couldn’t complain about her as his heart’s choice of mate, and he was becoming curious about her.
“...and then my Uncle Duncan moved to London and became a duke of all things, and now runs a huge estate there. Some of my other relatives have gone to live with him, and even a few people from town.”
He hinted at a smile. “When did you last see your Uncle Duncan?”
Her shoulders slumped. “Not since I was little. I wish he’d come visit. It would be nice to see him and my great Aunt Cozette again.”