Page 111 of The Ranger
“Major will want to pick them,” Lany said. “To make him more comfortable, not to mention agreeable, we should let him.”
“Yes, but who will it be?” Vale asked this time.
“I have no idea,” Lany said. “He won’t agree to letting any of us do it, and I doubt he’ll let Colin or Belle do it either.
Makama shook her head in annoyance. “He’ll choose himself and Harrison.”
“But of course, he will,” Kitty said with a mock smile.
Lany twisted on the wagon seat to look at them. “That’s bound to make poor Maida nervous. How can she be herself with her father or grandfather watching her every move?”
“Not to mention Markhel’s,” Makama said. Once again, she noticed Markhel was quiet. Was he thinking about the conversation? “What do you think, Markhel? Do you mind having her father or grandfather breathing down your neck while you’re trying to have a conversation with Maida?”
Lany poked him in the arm. “Hey, you okay?”
Markhel lurched to one side and fell off the wagon seat.
“Living stars!” Lany grabbed the lines and brought the team to a stop.
Makama and Vale were already leaping out of the wagon and rushing to his side.
“By heavens, he’s out cold!” Vale exclaimed.
She pried one of Markhel’s eyes open, then smacked him on the cheek a few times. “Markhel?”
Melvale came running. “What happened?” He knelt next to him, put a hand on his chest, and closed his eyes. Everyone moved back when a golden light formed around Melvale’s hand as he spoke a few words in Muiraran. Makama had no idea what he said, but knew he was checking his brother’s hearts.
“Will he be all right?” Kitty asked.
“I hope so. I’ve never seen anyone just collapse like this before.” Melvale patted Markhel on the face. “Brother, stop fooling around and get up.”
Markhel lay as if dead.
“Well, this is concerning,” Lany quipped as he joined them. “Tylahs?”
“Rightosssk!” He leapt out of Lany’s hand and onto Markhel’s chest. He sat and stared at him. “He’s asleepsssk?” He looked at Melvale for confirmation.
“No, this is something else. And I’m afraid I don’t know what.”
“Can’t you jump start him or something?” Kitty suggested.
“I’m afraid not,” Melvale said. “I’d best take care of him.” He grabbed Markhel by the hands, pulled him up and flung him over a shoulder and into in a fireman’s carry. He took him to his wagon and dumped him in the back.
Makama watched Melvale climb onto the wagon seat then took Vale’s hand. “I have a bad feeling about this. Something’s not right.”
“What makes you say that, darling?”
“I... just know.”
Tylahs put his forelegs on her skirt. “Markhel sicksssk?”
“I don’t know.” She returned to the wagon where Kitty now stood. “What do you think? You’ve seen more bonding’s than we have.”
“I’ve never seen this. I mean, Dallan fainted a few times, but he didn’t just keel over like Markhel just did.”