Page 113 of The Ranger
He rested his hands on the windowsill and realized there was nothing inside him. He put a hand to his chest, but the warmth of his hand did little to comfort him. His heart was empty. “No...”
He staggered to the door, opened it, and Vale got to his feet.
“Oh, good you’re up.” He yawned and stretched. “Are you hungry and how do you feel?”
Markhel looked up and down the hall, then took in the prince. “What happened?”
“Well,” Vale drawled and scratched his side. “You passed out, fell off the wagon, and then we brought you here.”
He gave Vale a nod of thanks. Who knew how long he’d been sitting outside his door to ensure he was undisturbed? He returned to his bed and sat. “Maida...”
“Yes, well, it seems you did something that damaged the bond you were forming with her.”
He almost fell off the bed. “What?”
Vale nodded. “Ask Melvale. He’s downstairs, would you like me to get him?”
“No.” He closed his eyes then nodded. “Yes.”
“Be right back.” Vale left, closing the door behind him.
He could have called his brother with his heart, but he’d gotten so used to doing things the human way, he sometimes forgot he was Muiraran. He stared at the wall in front of him. “I have been here too long.”
He needed to be with his own kind. He’d done damage to himself, and now his mistake could put Maida at risk. He wondered if the others had figured it out yet.
Melvale entered the room, not bothering to knock. “Brother...”
“Melvale.” He stared at the floor. “There is something wrong.”
“Yes, there is.” Melvale sat beside him. “A lack of this.” He hugged him and Markhel stiffened.
“You have to learn to accept this,” Melvale said then let him go. “When was the last time you saw Mother? Did you even visit with her while you were at the palace?”
“No, there was no time.”
“Did you not think to make some? She misses you, you know. When this is over, and your joining is complete, you must introduce Maida to her. She wishes to meet your mate.”
He nodded. Seeing their mother was... painful. If he lost control, he feared he’d never want to be alone again. If that happened, how could he do his job? Rangers prided themselves on being able to handle solitude.
He looked at him. “Did I really damage the bond?”
He put an arm around him. “You did, but you can fix it with a little effort. Or perhaps a lot. Needless to say...”
“Did I harm her?”
“Lany and Tylahs rode out to the ranch to check. They haven’t come back yet.”
Markhel put a hand to his chest. “I feel nothing.”
“Not even pain?”
“Oh dear.”