Page 118 of The Ranger
“The next time we see Kwaku, we’ll ask. Maybe Dallan and Shona can bring them.” Makama sipped her lemonade and leaned toward the front hall again.
“What are they doing now?” Vale whispered.
“Sitting, peacefully.”
“They’re not talking at all?”
“Not that I can see. But if you really want to know, you could offer them a cookie or something.”
He sat back in his chair and stretched out his legs, crossing them at the ankles. “No, darling. Let’s allow them to soak each other up for a time. Just as Dallan and Shona allowed us.”
She reached over, took him by the hand and gave it a squeeze.
Sadie watched, her eyes softening, and smiled. “You’re really in love, aren’t you?”
“Yes, Aunt Sadie.” Makama took a fortifying breath. “Do you mind if I call you that?”
“No, dear. I can see Duncan and Cozette in you, and I’m glad you were sent to oversee Maida and Markhel’s bonding or whatever it is.”
“So are we. We’ll do our best to make sure Duncan and Cozette are brought here, even if it’s just for a little while.”
Sadie nodded in thanks and picked up her mending.
Maida appeared in the hall, a smile on her face. “Grandma, can I show Markhel the canyon and His Majesty?”
Makama’s eyes lit up. “Yes, what a good idea.” She smiled at Vale. “I could do with a swim.”
“I’m sure you could darling. Very well.” He left his chair. “Sadie, is it all right with you?”
“Fine, but you better check with Honoria. She might want to go with you.”
“Understood. Darling, if you’ll excuse me?” He headed for the kitchen.
Makama put a hand to her chest and tried to still her breathing at the mention of the creek. She was hungry and needed to feed.
“Are you all right?” Sadie asked.
“I will be. Once I get to water.” She hadn’t told her about what her heart needed but didn’t have to.
“It’s a great day for swimming. It’s terribly hot out,” Maida fanned herself with her hand. “Markhel will hitch up the wagon. Do you have anything to swim in?”
“No, do you have a bathing outfit?”
“Some homemade ones but they work well. Would you like to borrow one?”
“Yes, thank you,” Makama said, her hunger building.
“Then follow me.” Maida headed for the stairs and took them two at a time.
Sadie shook her head in dismay and sighed. “That child.”
“She’s a free spirit,” Makama stated. “She will be good for Markhel.”
Sadie left her chair and set her mending down. “You would know better than me. But will he be good for her?”
She headed for the empty staircase. “Yes, I believe so.”
Upstairs she went into Maida’s room and found her rifling through a dresser drawer. “Found them!” She pulled out a couple of old dresses that had been turned into something resembling bathing outfits by converting the skirt into long shorts. Makama didn’t care what it looked like so long as she could get in the water.