Page 124 of The Ranger
“Y-you too?” she whimpered.
He looked at her, saw the pain in her eyes, and took her by the hand. “Easy, l-little one. It w-will pass.”
She whimpered again, and he didn’t know what hurt worse: the pain in his gut or seeing her suffer.
Maida began to shiver and without thinking, he put an arm around her and pulled her close. “It will be o-o-kaaaaay...” He sucked in a breath, then another as the pain assailed him. That was the thing about a Call. Her heart could Call of its own accord. She wouldn’t know what was going on, only that she was suddenly in pain and that there was nothing she could do to stop it.
Vale came around the tree. “They’re watering their horses.”
Markhel, Maida huddled at his side, nodded. “Make th-them leave.” He grimaced and shut his eyes tight as another wave hit.
“What you’re doing right now is the best way to combat it,” Vale said.
Markhel opened one eye, looked at her, then pulled her closer.
Vale nodded his approval. “Just hold her. It will pass sooner.”
Markhel gave him a nod as he grimaced again then put his other arm around her. She was practically in his lap now. “It will be all right, little one. You will be fine.”
A tiny sob escaped her, and he was already trying to think of what to say once her heart was done Calling. But Vale was right, holding her close made things better, and he hoped she would be free of the pain soon.
He heard the riders leave the creek and noted Vale stood where he could see him.
“Have a pleasant afternoon, gentlemen,” Vale said with a wave.
“Thank you, sir,” the one called John said and the group cantered off.
Vale and Makama hurried their way. “How is she?” Makama asked.
Markhel released Maida from his hold, tucked a finger under her chin and lifted her tear-stained face. He brushed tears away with his thumb and though another wave hit, he ignored it and maneuvered himself so he could face her.“Duhlam, ahnya, Maida. Cahlam uhl rehm.”
She hiccupped. “I-I don’t know what that means.”
He cupped her face with his hand. “You are beautiful even in pain.” He brushed hair from her face. “I would take it from you if I could.” He bent his head to hers. “And I will, as best I can.”
She drew in a shaky breath then let out a wail.
He pulled her against him and held her tight, murmuring to her in Muiraran. He knew she didn’t know what he was saying, but hoped his tone of voice was enough. He’d not spoken to anyone or anything like this before. It was as new to him as it was to her.
He held her closer, eyes closed, and took in the scent of her hair, the feel of her trembling body, and spoke to her in Muiraran again.You are mine, my beautiful one. Forever and always, and I will cherish you until the end of your days.
It was his heart speaking, and he was glad of it. He didn’t use words often enough even with his own people, and he hoped his inner heart would guide him in speaking to Maida as the bond continued.
She began to settle against him, and he sensed her heart had finished its Call. Good.
He loosened his hold enough to pull her onto his lap. He didn’t care about propriety at this point. She had to learn what and who he was and soon. Besides, she wasn’t protesting.
“Markhel?” Vale prompted.
“She needs this. And so do I.”
Vale backed away. “I understand. I remember what it was like. We’ll, um, just be swimming.” He shooed Makama back to the water, and Markhel heard them splash their way into the swimming hole.
He sighed, now free of the pain, and relaxed against the trunk of His Majesty, its bark digging into his bare skin. But holding Maida was all that mattered. She was quiet, and her breathing slowly evened out. Had she fallen asleep in his arms? It wouldn’t surprise him. A Call could sap all the strength from a person, leaving them weak as a kitten.
He rested his cheek against her hair and sighed in contentment. The pain hadn’t lasted as long as it could have, and he was grateful for that. He didn’t want poor Maida to suffer any more than she had to. But he was still going to have to talk with her and wondered at the timing. They’d had fun earlier, and he wanted to give her more of that before he told her about his true origins. He needed to strengthen the bond. For now, he’d let her sleep and enjoy holding her. Who knew when he’d get to do this again?
* * *