Page 16 of The Ranger
They hiked through racks and racks of clothes from all sorts of time periods. There were hats, shoes, gloves, coats, and all sorts of outfits for men, women, and to his surprise, children. Did the king really send Muiraran children out on assignment?
“There you are!” Melvale said as they rounded a corner.
Vale looked up at a green flag that said 22. “I believe this is our destination.”
“Indeed, it is,” Melvale said with a smile. “Makama, I have your outfits all picked out. And Prince Vale, yours are over here.” He swept a hand to his right where a small rack of clothes stood.
Vale winked at Makama, only because she was looking forward to this, then headed for the rack. She ran to hers.
He pulled off a suit. “Hey, this ismysuit!”
“Well of course, everyone knows who you are in Clear Creek. I can’t very well dress you as a gambler or outlaw.”
Vale shook his head at his own stupidity. Makama laughed. “I didn’t think of it either. No one’s ever met you in person, but I’m sure your parents have told the Cookes all about you.” She pulled things off the rack and oooed and ahhhed over every piece.
“She’s having fun,” Vale commented. He looked through his clothes. “Thanks for fetching these.”
“Of course. Your parents were most accommodating. In fact, they gave me a few letters to give to you. He reached into the pocket of his silver and blue robes and pulled out several envelopes. “Here you go.”
Vale took the letters, recognizing this mother’s handwriting. “You went yourself?”
“I did. Dalrovia is lovely this time of year.” Melvale smiled then cooed at Makama. “I do hope you like everything I picked out.”
“I love them. You’re dressing me like royalty.”
“That’s because you are. You married a royal, remember?”
“Yes,” she said with a blush. “But I’ve been wearing the same clothes I always do. I’ve never dressed up before.”
“Melvale,” Vale said. “Do you know why King Jaireth hasn’t assigned us any special training?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” He gave them a knowing smile.
Vale put the jacket he’d pulled off the rack back. “Not really.”
“You are a prince of Dalrovia. If something should happen to your parents, your elder brother Asger would become king. But if something—Creator forbid—happens to Asger, then you’re next in line to take the throne. Kind Jaireth knows this.”
They gaped at him. How could he forget? But Muirarans had an average life span of a little over a thousand years. Asger would have to give up the throne eventually, unless Dalrovia become of part of modern-day Germany before people started to notice their king wasn’t aging.
“One never knows. You won’t age either, which is also problematic.” Melvale said. “But let’s not discuss that now. We have preparations to see to, then the journey to make. I’d like a few words with my brother before everything gets underway and give him a few words of encouragement.” He turned away. “He’s going to need as much as he can get.”
* * *
Markhel saton his favorite cushion and watched as Dallan and Shona left his cave. Everyone sensed when Simon Kells opened a door through time. The question was, who was with him?
He went to the entrance, pulled the curtain back and peeked into the dark passageway. Only a few torches were lit so it was hard to see very far. But there was nothing wrong with his senses, and he knew Muirarans were near. He hoped they brought food for Princess Shona. Her stomach had been growling, making him cringe every time he heard it. As a Ranger, his hearing was exceptional, which also meant he heard the visiting party long before they arrived on his doorstep.
“There you are, brother!” Melvale greeted. “Are you well?”
Markhel turned and went into his cave. “What do you think?”
Melvale followed. “Yes, I know. It’s a silly question. Sorry. But really, how are you?”
He lowered himself onto some cushions. “The pain comes and goes.” He looked at the couple behind him. “Who is this?”
Melvale stepped aside. “Allow me to introduce his Royal Highness Prince Vale of Dalrovia and his lovely wife Makama.”
Markhel got to his feet and bowed to the couple. “A pleasure.” He glanced at Melvale and back. “Why are they here?”