Page 179 of The Ranger
She looked at him. He looked terrible and was starting to shake. “Yes!”
Kwaku smiled. “Den tell him you give yourself to him, little jewel. Tell him now.”
She squeezed his hands. “I, um, give myself to you, Markhel. That makes me yours, but then, I always have been. I don’t know how I’ll protect you, but I will, with my life if I have to. I’ll comfort you, be there for you, and be the best wife I can be.”
Markhel smiled, swallowed hard, and said nothing.
Maida’s eyes widened and she looked to Kwaku. “What’s wrong with him?”
Kwaku gave her a grave look. “He is dying, little jewel. But you will fix dat.” He got down on his knees next to Markhel and put a hand on his back. “Markhel, ranger to de king, do you take what dis woman has offered? Will you protect her? Care for her heart and cherish all dat she is?”
Markhel drew in a shuddering breath. “I …I will. This I vow.”
Kwaku smiled. “Den sing to him, Maida, so dat his heart may join wid yours.”
She swallowed hard. Part of her was nervous with so many watching, but she had to save him. She had no idea he could take a turn for the worse so quickly. She closed her eyes, held his hands tight, and before she could open her mouth, her song began.
“Jumpin’ Jehosaphat!” Wilfred cried.
“Oh dear,” Grandpa said next.
Maida opened her eyes, but all she saw was blue light, the same color as Markhel’s eyes, encompassing them. The light grew brighter as her song continued, and through the brightness she saw Markhel straighten up, his eyes such a magnificent blue they were like two bright orbs.
She gasped as her song stopped and took in the sight of him. How could she love him anymore? What she had to offer seemed so inadequate, but she would do her best.
After a few moments, the light around them faded, and Markhel no longer looked like he was on the brink of death. On the contrary, he looked better than she’d ever seen him. He pulled her into his arms, looked into her eyes, and kissed her like she’d never been kissed before.
“This would be the part where you don’t go near them,” she heard Vale say.
Maida had no idea what that meant, she only knew that she was now joined with a powerful Muiraran that loved her, weaknesses and all. And deep down, she knew that somehow, she’d be enough.
* * *
Markhel broke the kiss,his strength returning in waves. He had to join again to get his full strength back but could last long enough to get them to privacy.
Kwaku chuckled nearby then turned to Major. “Take dem to de hotel. Let dem have de time dey need. Den dey can go to your dance.” He went to Vale and Makama next. “Zara and I must report to de king but will return. You will see to dem?”
Vale looked at Markhel and Maida. “Yes.”
Kwaku gave him a nod them turned to Markhel. “Take your mate and join wid her again. Dere will be a fuss when you return to de palace. Der is no help for it.”
Markhel sighed. He was not a social creature and didn’t like crowds of people. Unlike Melvale, who thrived on being around others. “Understood.” He kissed Maida on the nose then smiled at her.
She looked between the two men. “What does it mean to join again?”
Major facepalmed. “Are you sure there’s no time to take them before Preacher Jo?”
Kwaku stood to his full height. “Dey are joined. Stop your fretting.”
Markhel tried to hide a smile then gave his attention back to Maida. He brought his lips to within a hairsbreadth of hers. “Joining again is...” he kissed her with a passion he had yet to unleash. When he broke the kiss, he looked her in the eyes. “That, and a lot more.”
She blushed bright pink. “Oh!”
He smiled, scooped her against him, and stood with her in his arms. He went to the nearest horse, sat her atop it, then mounted up behind her. “I will take my bride and make her mine.” Not waiting for Major, he kicked the horse and took off, leaving the others behind.
“You’re still going to see Preacher Jo!” Major called after them.
Markhel smiled at his words, pulled Maida closer and kissed her hair. “I love you, little one. And once we are alone, I will show you how much.”