Page 29 of The Ranger
They followed her inside, and Markhel tried to sense Maida, but there was nothing. Odd, was she not here? But she was no longer a child. Yet, he sensed her when she was in town, so that was something.
They went into the kitchen where Sadie had them sit at the table. “Harrison and Colin are working the cattle today, but they’ll be in soon. Did you just get into town?”
“Yes,” Makama said. She studied Sadie and looked around the kitchen in awe.
Markhel smiled. (Yes, hecouldsmile). Sadie was her aunt. Harrison her uncle. He would have to remember that she was seeing these people for the first time.
Sadie brought some cream and sugar to the table, set them down and caught Makama staring. “Is something wrong?”
“No, it’s just that, Vale’s parents have told us so many stories about you, I... feel as if I know you.”
Sadie smiled. “We miss them. I wish they could have come with you.”
“Perhaps next time,” Vale said. “I know they miss you too.”
Markhel watched Sadie turn away, and no sooner than she did, his heart lurched. He took a deep breath and braced himself.
Makama’s eyes widened. “You okay?” she whispered.
Her eyes widened further. “Maida?”
“Yes,” he hissed as his entire mid-section coiled.
“Grandma,” came a woman’s voice. “Do you know where Mama is?”
A young woman stepped into the kitchen with a large bouquet of flowers. “I just picked these from the garden and...” she stopped up short, her eyes meeting Markhel’s.
Makama smiled at the two, then whispered to Vale, “Here we go!”
* * *
Maida staredat the big man. He was huge, perhaps close to seven feet! She remembered him from when she was younger. He hung around Clear Creek and came into town now and then for supplies. He was an acquaintance of Grandma and Grandpa’s friends, the MacDonalds. That’s all she knew. So, what was he doing sitting at her kitchen table, and who were the two people with him? “Grandma Sadie?”
“Maida, there you are.” Sadie came to the table with a teapot and set it in front of the woman. “This is Vale and Makama Berg. Vale is Andel and Maddie’s youngest son. You remember who they are.”
“Oh, yes, the Bergs. They live in a foreign country.”
“That’s right,” Vale said. “You’re Maida, Honoria’s youngest.”
She nodded, her eyes drifting back to Mr. Markhel. “H-hello.”
He stared at her, unmoving, and gave her a single nod. As she recalled, he didn’t talk much. Just as well, he was a little scary. Not to look at. He was... handsome, but different. No, his presence threw her. He was big and radiated something she couldn’t put her finger on. Something... powerful. She couldn’t begin to describe it and wasn’t going to try.
Grandma cleared her throat. “Maida, sweetheart, it’s not polite to stare.”
She blinked a few times then looked at her grandmother. “Sorry.” She gave her attention back to Mr. Markhel. “Sorry.” She tried to take a step back but found she couldn’t move. A shiver ran up her spine and her eyes fused with Mr. Markhel’s once more. She was vaguely aware of Mrs. Berg getting to her feet.
“Maida,” Grandma Sadie urged. “Help me with the tea.”
Part of her panicked. Could she move now? She tried to get her feet to slide over the wooden floor. She moved one an inch, then a few more.
“Maida, hurry up.”
“I’ll help you,” the woman said. Land sakes, Maida forgot her name already. Did anyone even give it? She couldn’t remember. All she could do was stand there, frozen to the spot and stare at Mr. Markhel.
“Miss Comfort?” Mr. Berg said. “Are you all right?”