Page 33 of The Ranger
“Maida!” her grandmother snapped.
“You should help her,” he said, his voice softer than usual.
“Yes.” She took the cookie jar and left the table.
He watched her go, then noticed Makama nodding toward the hall and Belle. “We’ll be back,” Belle called.
“All right, take your time. I’ll send Maida along in a moment.” Sadie gave them a parting smile and they filed into the hall and out the front door.
As soon as they were outside, Belle headed straight for the barn. “Follow me. Good grief, a little warning would have been nice.”
“Have you not spoken to Kwaku?” Vale asked.
“No, I had no idea he was in the area.”
“Yes,” Makama said. “He paid a visit to Mrs. Waller this morning, and Maida happened to be there. It was a stroke of luck.”
“I haven’t seen Maida until just now.” She peeked over her shoulder then motioned them all into the huge barn. “Okay, we’re out of earshot in here. What do you need from us?” She held up a hand. “And before you ask, no, Colin and Harrison have not had ‘the talk’.”
Markhel’s shoulders slumped.
Belle cringed. “I’m sorry, that’s bad, isn’t it?”
“It’s not ideal,” Vale said and leaned against a stall door. “Markhel? What was it like for you?”
He went to a support post, then slid down to land on his rump. “She is... not what I expected.”
Makama’s eyebrows shot up as she smiled. “Which means?”
He gave her an agonized look. “Is she real?”
Vale reached him in a few strides and crouched in front of him. “Yes, as real as they come. Can you sense her heart opening to you at all?”
“It is too early. But she is curious about me.”
Makama smiled again. “And are you curious about her?”
He thought a moment. She was smaller than he thought she’d be, but that was expected considering he was Muiraran and she was mostly human. Humans lacked the height and breadth of his race. “She has grown up.”
Vale got to his feet and offered Markhel his hand. “She looks to be a fine young woman, if a little shy.”
He took it, and let the prince help him to his feet. “Yes.” He shook his head. “I was dizzy.”
“We figured as much,” Makama said.
Belle brushed at her skirt, a nervous gesture, and took a deep breath. “So, what do we do now?”
“How much do you know?” Markhel asked. “You have two sons joined with Muirarans.”
“I never got to see Thackary go through the bonding process or his joining with Pepper. But I remember what Jefferson went through. It was hard for him, but as I understand it, not as bad as what some have to endure.” She gave Vale and Makama a sympathetic look. “I was told it was rough for the two of you.”
Vale took Makama by the hand. “It was,” he said. “Very much.”
Belle wrung her hands a few times. “Maida, she’s not like her cousins. She’s lived a sheltered life growing up here. She’s never been anywhere, never tried out her wings, so to speak. I honestly don’t know how she’s going to react when she finds out about...” she looked at Markhel. “You.”
He closed his eyes a moment. “I understand.”
“Don’t get me wrong, Colin and I will help as much as we can, but there is only so much we can do.” She gave them a genuine look of worry, and he could see the lines in her pretty face become more pronounced. “She’s delicate. Innocent to the ways of the world. Between her father and Harrison, it’s no wonder. Colin and I have tried to get Major and Honoria to travel with her, and at least go to Nowhere and visit the Weavers, but they never have.”