Page 4 of The Ranger
He thought a moment. The last time he’d laid eyes on Philip Brennan, they were in the fencing room of Angus MacNab’s weapons shop in Shona’s time. He’d opened a door to the exact time and place he saw his young brother Alasdair last. The night Kwaku took him from his homeland. Robert Campbell still held a dirk to young Alasdair’s throat. He’d taken his brother and shoved Brennan at the Campbell. Then he’d closed the door through time. Just before, Brennan had turned into something resembling… well, he didn’t know how to describe it other than pure evil.
“Dallan?” Shona said softly. “Are you okay?”
“Nay, I’m not.” He held her tighter. “I want to put that man as far behind us as we can.”
“As do I, but…”
“Kwaku will know. If not him, then Sita.” He looked at her, brushing a few wisps of her long auburn hair from her face. Heknewhe’d done this before. They were repeating something in time, and it felt the same, but wasn’t. If this sort of thing kept up, who knew what would happen to the timeline?
“Come, Flower,” he said as he started walking again. “Let’s find Kwaku and Zara and see what they have to say. I’ll no rest until I have an answer.”
“You might be panicking for nothing. Maybe Duncan got the name wrong?”
He stopped again and turned to her. “I pray ye’re right.” He ran a finger down her cheek. “The thought of that devil out there somewhere, alive, makes me…” The tell-tale twitch of his jaw was answer enough. He took her by the hand, and they were off again.
The Muiraran palace was a labyrinth of long corridors and connecting halls. It took a while to reach Kwaku and Zara’s quarters without the aid of their Sarian companions, Willah and Essie. By the time they did reach the door, Shona was licking her lips.
“Thirsty, Flower?”
“Yes. That was a trek.”
The door opened and Zara poked her head out. “Time Master, what are you doing here?” She opened the door wide. “You look upset.”
“He is,” Shona said. “Do you have any water?”
“Of course, come in.” Zara stepped aside.
They entered, Shona heading straight for a water pitcher and glasses. She poured them each a glass and downed hers.
Dallan watched her a moment. She was upset, he could tell. Hiding behind her thirst wasn’t going to help. He faced Zara. “Where’s Kwaku?”
He turned and headed that way. He would speak with him first, before Shona could see the Azurti’s reaction to the news. He didn’t want it to upset her further. He glanced her way. “Stay here.” Dallan continued without looking back.
“Boyeee!” Kwaku bellowed when he stepped onto the huge balcony. Kwaku reclined atop several huge pillows. “What brings you?” He frowned and sat up. “What is dis? You are… angry?”
“Aye.” He went to Kwaku and sat crossed legged before him.
“What troubles you, Boyeee?”
Kwaku’s brows rose slowly. “Oh?”
“He’s alive.”
Kwaku sat up. “When, is he alive? Oder dan 1969. Melvale told me every ting.”
“Aye, weel, I just learned he was in 1858, during our first assignment. Cozette and Duncan told me. We just left their estate.”
“You have returned from your assignment with Thackary Cooke and Pepper Kincaid, only to go on anoder? And dey are sure it was him?”
Dallan’s jaw tightened. “Cozette told me that when she was in the outlaw caves in 1858, bound next to Sadie, she heard a man call Brennan by name. If ye recall, outlaws had taken Cozette, along with Sadie and some of the other women from town from the Cooke’s ranch. Sita Mihn was there and taken as well. She showed up to keep an eye on Melvale and Markhel, and we all know what happened with them. But enough about that, what was Brennan doing there?”
Kwaku stood, went to the cushions, came back, and stared at Dallan. “Dis is not good.” He sat again. “Did she say any ting else?”
“I didna stick around to question her. She had to take care of Duncan.”