Page 46 of The Ranger
Shona stopped to assess the situation. The red and black Noghard lunged at the smaller yellow one, knocking it back. The yellow countered and blew fire at the red.
Shona and Kitty both gasped.
“They won’t hurt each other if that’s what yer worried about.”
Shona spun to her left and smiled. “Angus!”
Angus MacNab, the grizzled old Scot that helped bring her and Dallan together, stood a few feet away. He wore a white sark, a kilt, and a ready smile. “How ye been lass? I swear ever since Jaireth started sending ye out on assignments with Dallan, I hardly see the two of ye.”
She hugged Angus, happy to see him. “We’re not on the current assignment.”
“What?” he furrowed his bushy gray eyebrows. “Why not?”
She took a deep breath. “Philip Brennan.”
Angus’ eyes bulged. “What’s that cur got to do with anything?” He spit for good measure. “Besides, he’s... oh, wait. Sita did mention he’d been spotted somewhere. I thought I was hearing things. Ye ken how she can go on and on about something.”
Shona smiled. “Angus, you aren’t complaining about your bride, are you?” She stepped back and crossed her arms.
“Oh, weel now, don’t go thinking that. But ye has to admit, she does talk a lot.”
“That’s all part of her charm,” Kitty said.
Angus nodded and scratched the back of his neck. “I suppose.”
The two Noghard roared at each other then attacked, rolling across the field as if they were in a death match.
“What are they doing?” Kitty asked with alarm.
“Oh, don’t mind them,” Angus said. “They’re just playing. The teenagers like to wrestle one another.”
“If that’s wrestling,” Shona said. “Then I’d hate to see what a real fight looks like.” She faced Angus, ignoring the snarls coming from the field. “Do you know if Novhak is around?”
“Oh, aye, he’s beyond those trees over there.” Angus waved in the direction of said trees. “I can take ye, if ye likes.”
“Thank you.” Shona started walking. “What are you doing here anyway?”
“I enjoy watching the Noghard children play. They’re a sight to behold, especially the little ones. They’re so cute!”
They hiked to the trees Angus had pointed out, and Shona spied a tendril of smoke rising above them. Novhak, king of the Noghard, was a huge white dragon, as far as she and Kitty were concerned.
They entered the trees and could hear a deep voice, followed by a much younger one, speaking. It had to belong to Monah, Novhak’s daughter. When Shona first met the baby Noghard, she was the size of a large dog. Now she was quickly approaching the size of a small pony.
They emerged from the trees and sure enough, Novhak sat on the grassy ground, his rear legs tucked, his massive tail curled around him as he looked down at his child. Monah was as white as he was. Their contrast in size something to behold, as the Noghard king was as big as a house.
He swung his massive head their way, his bright blue eyes narrowing at first, then opening wide with pleasure. “Princess Shona,” he boomed. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
Shona had only spoken with Novhak a few times, and each time her heart pounded like it was doing now. “If it pleases Your Majesty, I’d like to ask you a few questions.”
“Of course.” He looked at Kitty. “Your friend is here.”
“Y-yes,” Kitty said. “How are you?”
Novhak smiled, exposing rows of sharp teeth. “Very well, thank you.” He nuzzled Monah with his nose, knocking her on her rear.
The little Noghard laughed, tendrils of smoke escaping from her nostrils.
Shona stepped forward. “My father brought Kitty here because he knows she calms me.” Okay, so she had to complain to someone.