Page 75 of The Ranger
“Yes, I know.”
She gave him a huge smile, and his chest filled with warmth. He’d never experienced such things before and began to wonder how many other emotions he would discover by being with her. Had he lived all this time not knowinghow to live? So much of what she made him feel was new.
He should ask Kwaku and Zara, or even Makama what other emotions he might experience being with her. She delighted in so many little things, while he delighted in... hmmm. A good horse? One that would listen, preferably.
One thing? That was it?
“Are you okay?” she asked. “You look like something is bothering you.”
He took note of her eyes, saw the sincerity in them, and his heart, perhaps even both of them, warmed even more. “No, little one. I am fine. I am... more than fine. I am with you.”
Maida smiled as her eyes seemed to fuse with Markhel’s. His voice was gentle, deep, and her legs were turning to jelly! Oh, this was bad. She was becoming more than a little calf-eyed with him. He was almost too much!
“We should see what Wilfred is doing.”
“Yes,” he said and took a step closer.
Maida realized they were standing on the side of Doc and Grandma’s house. She could hear Wilfred grumbling to himself in the distance before he let out a shout of triumph. “Doggone that Doc! I’m going to swipe his buggy!”
She giggled, bringing a smile to Markhel’s lips. She’d never seen him like this. Not that she remembered much about him, but everyone said he rarely smiled and that he was always so serious.
She followed him into Doc and Grandma’s backyard then the barn. Wilfred was carrying his ladder out. For an old man, he was a lot stronger than he looked. She’d seen him do things she didn’t think possible for someone of his advanced age.
Markhel shook his head at him then offered to take the ladder.
Wilfred gave him a sheepish look. “Oh, yeah, I guess you should carry it.” He looked at her and put a hand to his back. “Shouldn’t have done that.”
“Did you hurt yourself?” she asked.
“No, just a little strain.” He winked at Markhel then headed back. “Let’s get the banner and put it up.”
Markhel made a grumbling sound as Wilfred practically skipped past her. “Come, little one. Our time together is short. Let us not waste it.”
“What?” Pa flashed in her mind. “Oh, right.” He must be referring to getting the work done. Besides, who knew what he had planned for the rest of the day?
She trotted after him. “I can walk home when we’re done. You don’t have to drive me.”
He arched an eyebrow with an expression that saidabsolutely not!
“Um, it was just an idea.”
“I will escort you home.” He kept walking.
It took her a second or two to recover from his intense gaze. When she did, she trundled after him. Wilfred went into the saloon with the banner, followed by Markhel. There were several horses tied in front, but she didn’t recognize any of them.
She was about to step into the saloon herself when Markhel came out, blocking her.
“Aren’t we going upstairs to tie one end of the banner?”
“I am going upstairs. You are going across the street to wait for me.”
He turned his head toward the saloon doors. “There are men inside. I do not recognize them.”