Page 81 of The Ranger
“Understandable, but you’ll have to explain it to them, among a few other things. Like, where you’re from?”
Markhel nodded at Harrison and Major who Belle was shooing toward the barn. “They are eager to be alone with me.” He looked at Colin. “They will attempt to deter me from seeing Maida.”
“You have no idea.”
“I have some.” He nodded in resignation. “Let us go.”
Colin patted him on the back, and they headed for the barn. He hoped Harrison or Major didn’t take a swing at the big Muiraran. Then again, maybe breaking a hand would help convince them he wasn’t human.
Not twenty minutes later, Markhel shook uncontrollably. “I have failed.” He was surprised the words made it out. His inner heart was not only waking rapidly, but he’d lost control of it, and now he wasn’t sure what to do. Thank the Creator Kwaku and Zara arrived when they did.
“You have much to learn, young cub,” Kwaku said. “You have no control over your heart, and it is worrisome, but not impossible to deal wid. Your heart’s ability to shift has come early, dat is all.”
He wanted to roll his eyes. Colin tried to explain things to Major and Harrison, and none of it was received well. And he didn’t even get to the part about where he was from or what he was! Instead, Colin thought it prudent to spout off a list of Markhel’s sterling attributes. That only made things worse. When Major asked what his intentions were with Maida, Markhel gave him his honest answer. And then trouble started. Didn’t humanseveruse the word mate?
“I have frightened her sire and grandsire,” he lamented to Kwaku. “They will never accept me now.Shewill not accept me.” He let go of the wagon gate he’d been gripping and straightened. Things got so heated, Markhel growled at them and bared his teeth before the worst happened. His incisors elongated as his heart began to take over, triggering a shift of all things. And his heart wasn’t even fully awake!
Kwaku had Zara sing to calm Harrison and Major, who were immediately subdued. They would forget what happened. But Zara wasn’t as powerful as her sister was at making someone forget things, nor was her skill at planting a new memory to replace the one taken. Her sister Lissa excelled at it. It was one of the things that made Philip Brennan so dangerous. She was, after all, his mate.
“Do not give up hope, cub,” Kwaku said. “Dey will remember dat dey talked to you, noting more.”
“Yes, but talked about what? They meant to dissuade me from seeing Maida. If they remember that much, then things are still going to be difficult.”
“Maybe so, but not as bad as dey could be.” He studied him and paced. “But your near shift is... troubling. What form will your inner heart take?”
“What form does yours?”
Kwaku smiled and said nothing.
Markhel made a grunting noise. “Forgive me, you do not shift. I sometimes forget you are human.”
Kwaku gave him a regal nod. “But if I could shift, it would be glorious!” He laughed then slapped Markhel on the back.
He pitched forward a little then righted himself. “Thank you for your help. Colin and Belle did their best until I lost control.” He sighed and faced the Time Master. “You fixed this, but what if the same thing happens in front of Maida before she has accepted me?”
“Den we deal wid it. She will understand better if she already loves you.”
“Can she love one such as I?” he asked in all sincerity.
“What is not to love, young cub?” Kwaku stood to his full height and studied their surroundings. “Dis ranch and de town. I believe dey are being watched.”
He snapped to attention. “By whom?”
“I am not sure and pray I am wrong. In de meantime, be on your guard, cub. I sense trouble. More men came into town today after you left to come here.”
“Are they at the hotel?”
“Some, but most are camped outside of town. I fear dey are a gang of outlaws. Keep your Maiden safe. She is a prize dey would take if dey could.”
His eyes narrowed, but his heart remained calm. Zara saw to that. She was a very powerful Muiraran and could do things others of his race could only dream of. But then, she was the mate of a Time Master. “I will be watchful.”
“See dat you are. Now, we should see to de odars. Zara should have them good and sleepy by now.”
He bowed to the Time Master, then followed him to the house. Colin and Belle stood on their porch and gave them an encouraging wave before going inside. Markhel nodded back, then entered Harrison’s place. Most everyone was in the kitchen. Well, almost everyone. Harrison and Major were snoozing in chairs in the parlor. There was no sign of Sadie, Honoria, or Zara. They must be upstairs.
“There you are,” Grandma Waller said. “Land sakes, what happened out there?” She took a bite of stew, Maida’s head resting on her shoulder. She was fast asleep.