Page 95 of The Ranger
He studied her as he petted the kitten. “Let’s just say you were tired.” He gave her a warm smile then motioned her toward the back door.
She blinked a few times as she realized he was a stranger. What if he was lying? What if he had her mother and grandmother tied up somewhere?!
“Tylahs likes you,” he said.
She smiled, unable to help it. The sight of the fluffy black kitten perched on his shoulder was so adorable. Without thinking she went out the back door, down the porch steps, and into the backyard. She spotted Mama in front of the Kincaid’s house and waved at her. She waved back and headed their way.
“How do you know my family?”
“Your family and I go way back.” He smiled as Mama approached, then took the kitten off his shoulder, and cradled the adorable creature in front of him.
“Mama, look at this cat. Isn’t he cute?” She pointed at the animal. “What was his name again?”
“Oh, yes.” She grinned unable to help it. There was just something about that kitten…
“Maida, are you all right?” Mama asked, ignoring the animal.
“Tired is all. Did I get sick?”
Mama stared at the man, before her eyes gravitated to the kitten. “Is that… one of those things you told us about?”
Mr. Mosgofian nodded. “He is.”
“He’s so cute!” Maida exclaimed happily. “But he doesn’t like milk. I gave him some, and he didn’t touch it.”
“He likes it sometimes, but what most people don’t know is that milk isn’t good for cats. But it doesn’t seem to bother Tylahs much.” He held the kitten in front of him and smiled. “You’ll eat just about anything won’t you, little buddy?”
Tylahs batted at him a few times. “Mewsssk.”
Mr. Mosgofian chuckled and held the kitten to his chest. “Just wait till we get back to the hotel,” he said with a smile.
“Where did you get him?” Maida asked.
“Enough about the cat,” Mama snapped. “Maida, I want you to go into the house.”
Her jaw went slack. She hadn’t heard her mother speak to her like that in a very long time. “Have I done something wrong?”
“No, just go.” Her mother glared at Mr. Mosgofian. “I was having a discussion with this man and we’re not done.”
Maida looked at Logan and Susara’s house. “Is everyone else still inside?”
“No, they’re coming. We need to start dinner. In fact, peel some potatoes.” Mama looked over her shoulder at the Kincaids’ house then shooed her toward the back porch.
“All right, I’m going.” She gave a little wave to the kitten. “Bye, Tylahs. I hope I see you again.” She smiled and started for the house.
“Goodbyesssk,” came a small voice.
She spun around and laughed as Mr. Mosgofian had one of the kitten’s paws in his hand and was waving it at her. He must have made the little voice she heard.
Once in the kitchen, she took some potatoes from the pantry, brought them to the worktable, then searched for a paring knife. She peeked out the kitchen window now and then and noticed Grandma Sadie come out of the Kincaids’, followed by Vale and Makama Berg. No one looked happy for some reason, and she wondered why. Had they had a disagreement of some sort? If they were talking loud enough that they didn’t want to disturb her, they must have had a heated discussion.
She started peeling potatoes, growing more nervous by the second. She didn’t know what was going on, and hoped she’d soon find out. For one thing, she wanted to know why she couldn’t remember what happened to her. She’d gone to the barn that morning to get some feed for the chickens, and the next thing she knew she woke up with a kitten sitting on her belly. What was going on?