Page 99 of The Ranger
“Yes, they are.” She made to close the door and Markhel stood in the doorway. A tiny gasp escaped as her heart suddenly thundered in her chest. “Hello.”
He looked down at her and smiled. “Hello, little one. I hope we are not intruding.”
“I don’t think so, but nobody tells me things.”
He frowned. “What do you mean?”
She glanced down the hall. The other two were just stepping into the kitchen. “I think something’s going on. But I’m not sure what.”
He looked into her eyes as he bent to get closer. “Do not worry. All will be well in time.”
“I hope so.” She shut the door. “Because nobody’s talking to me.” She headed down the hall. “Maybe they’ll talk to you.”
He straightened and followed. “Doubtful.”
She was going to ask what he meant by that when she heard a small commotion in the kitchen.
She hurried into the room and saw Grandma Sadie smacking the tall newcomer with a spatula. “I’ve had enough of all of this! Nowyoushow up? Land sakes, who’s next?”
“Sadie, that is Mrs. Cooke,” Melvale said. “You must calm yourself.”
“Calm? Calm?! I’ve had about all I can take for one day. And who’s that?” She pointed her spatula at Miss Radcliffe.
Melvale moved in front of the young woman. “A friend. She’s here to help.”
Markhel stood behind her now, and Maida could feel the heat of his body soaking through the fabric of her clothes. A wonderful tingle went up her spine, and she fought the urge to step back and lean against him.
“You!” Grandma Sadie said and pointed her spatula at Markhel.
“What did he do?” Maida asked. “He just got here.”
“He’s not welcome,” she said, jaw tight.
“Oh dear,” Melvale drawled. “It seems we have a sticky wicket of a situation.”
Grandma looked like she was about ready to smack him with the spatula. “You said it.”
Mama entered the kitchen from the back door, a basket of vegetables in her hands. “Mother, who are these people?”
“That one’s been here before,” she said and nodded at Melvale. “And these are some friends of his.”
Miss Radcliffe gave Melvale a worried look, then gave it to Markhel standing behind her. “Will somebody explain to me what’s going on?” Maida asked.
“There’s some history here,” Melvale said. “Enough to talk about once your father comes home. Which by my calculation should be any time now.”
“Right you are,” Grandma said. “And when Harrison gets here, he’ll giveyoua talking to.”
Melvale shook his head in dismay. “We really should have told you long ago.”
“Told us what?” Maida asked in a small voice. She knew something was wrong, and at this point, wasn’t sure she wanted to know what it was anymore.
“Are the Bergs still here?” Melvale asked.
“They’re in the barn with Mr. Mosgofian,” Mama said. “They’re talking. You’re lucky we didn’t throw them off the ranch.”
“Not that we didn’t try.” Grandma Sadie turned back to the stove and turned the steaks.
Maida approached her grandmother. “What are you talking about? Did they do something?”