Page 107 of The Alpha
Pari had never seen this side of him, and sensed this was the Melvale his companions knew. But if there were two sides of him, and they were merging as she’d heard mentioned, then what was he going to be like once that happened?
“Come, let’s go find Kwaku and Zara and tell them I’d like a change of clothes.”
Pari left the sofa and followed him to the door. “Wait, I need to get a key.” She had a spare in the top drawer of her dresser. At least she hoped she did. Was that the key Kwaku used to let them in earlier?
She went into her bedroom, took the key from the dresser (hurray, it was there!) turned around and bumped smack in the Melvale. “Oh!”
“Hello.” He looked down at her and smiled. “Are we ready to go?”
She gaped up at him. “How do you move so quietly?”
He shrugged. “It’s a Muiraran trait.”
Pari studied him. “What happened to your ears? Why do you look different, more… human?” She didn’t know why she hadn’t asked before, but Uncle Al and Uncle Leo’s sudden appearance, then Melvale’s almost kiss—she tried not to smile at that—sidetracked her.
“Camouflage instinct. Helps us to blend into our surroundings.” He smiled at her. “Shall we go?”
Out of curiosity she looked him in the eyes and said, “Bondrah?”
He straightened, and his eyes went blue. “Kahtala Miah…” He closed the distance between them. “What do you wish?”
Pari sucked in a breath. “Why do you ask me such things? I’m nobody.”
He frowned. “You are mine.”
Her heart stopped. He couldn’t possibly mean they were… together? “But… you’re um, not human.”
“And you are not Muiraran.” He locked gazes with her and his eyes grew bluer.
“We should go, right?” She hoped the change of subject would distract him. At least now she knew that if she called him Bondrah, it brought out the other side of him. But would it later on? Would there even be a later on? And should she even try toreason with this side of him? But, it was this side that brought her here. Would he leave her if she commanded it? And if so, was there any guarantee that Dr. Charles and his men wouldn’t return and take her again?
“Did you wish to leave?” he asked.
She nodded, more confused than ever. “Yes, maybe some food will help.”
Pari sighed. “Never mind. Let’s go find your friends.” She led him through the apartment and out the door.
It took half an hour for Kwaku and Zara to go the palace, get what clothes they needed, and return. Pari took a quick shower while they were gone. The need to be in her own space, using her own things grounded her. Now she stood in her bathroom, the door closed and stared at her hair. Uncle Al and Uncle Leo hadn’t said anything about it. How could they not notice? But as often as she changed the color of her hair, why would they?
But her tattoos were also missing, and her nose ring? Had her disappearance left them that distraught?
“Pari…” Melvale said outside the door. “Are you ready?”
“Yes.” She took one last look at herself in the mirror. She didn’t put any make-up on and was pleased to see that she didn’t really need it. Her cheeks were rosier than normal. Maybe it was the pink hair. Her lips too, were rosier, and her complexion creamy looking. Maybe time in the Muiraran palace had done her some good.
She opened the door, and her jaw dropped. Melvale stood wearing a pair of long, dark athletic shorts and a white tank topthat sported a picture of the Looney Toons Tasmanian Devil on it.
She snorted then covered her mouth. “You look…”
“Presentable?” Melvale looked at his shirt. “Kwaku is paying me back for all the times I’ve dressed him for assignments.”
“I’ll explain later. The others are in the living room, waiting.” He offered her his hand.