Page 115 of The Alpha
Melvale looked at him, his eyes turning a light blue. “Outlaw?”
Kwaku gave him a single nod. “Let him pass through. De police here take care of such men.”
Melvale gave him a single nod in return, put an arm around Pari, and pulled her against him.
She swallowed hard. “What do you mean, outlaw?” If someone in the grocery store had a gun, then shouldn’t they hightail it out of there? Was the man going to rob the store? Could it be a security guard or an undercover cop?
“Do not fear, Kahtala Miah,” Melvale said, his voice deeper.
Oh no! “I’m good.” She plastered on a smile. The last thing they needed was to have even more attention brought to them. In fact, would Dr. Charles have access to camera footage of today? Had he found a way to access it and watch? Did he know she’d returned to her apartment with Melvale and the others?
“What is it?” Melvale asked. “Your heart is beating like a hummingbird’s.”
She shook her head. “I… it’s nothing…”
“Tell me.” The command in his voice was hard to miss.
He arched an eyebrow at her, then looked at Kwaku. “Is she right?”
“Could be, but den, we are here, and dere has been no trouble, and I sense no ill-intent toward us. Can you smell dem?”
He shook his head. “There are too many scents. But the doctor and his men are not among them.”
Kwaku nodded. “Dey doctor, he knows we may hunt him. He has crawled into some dark hole to hide for a time and regroup. But soon enough he will be on de hunt for you. Dat is a guarantee. We can spare some time but den you must return to de palace.”
Pari watched Melvale’s eyes soften. “You are right.”
She sighed in relief. The last thing she wanted was to get kidnapped again, locked up, then poked and prodded like a guinea pig.
Melvale tightened his hold on her. “Chocolate. You need chocolate.”
She laughed. “Um, yeah. I think you’re right.”
“Let’s get some.” He took a small sniff, then pulled her along and went right to the candy section. Pari grabbed a chocolate bar. Melvale grabbed six. He smiled at her and handed her the candy. It was a bit much, but who knew how much chocolate was in the Muiraran palace?
Melvale helped himself to a few other goodies, then returned to Kwaku and Zara. He tossed them in the basket, and Pari thought of all the times she’d done the same when she was young. In fact, Kwaku was eyeing Melvale much the same way Uncle Leo used to eye her when she’d toss junk food into the grocery basket without asking if she could have it.
She giggled, unable to help it, drawing Melvale’s attention. “What is it, Kitten?”
“Don’t take this wrong, but you sort of remind me of, well, someone younger.”
He frowned. “I am not a juvenile.”
“No, but…”
“Do not finish that sentence,” he commanded with a grin.
She pressed her lips together at his light tone. He was teasing her, and she liked it. When he turned serious and his eyes began to turn blue, she didn’t know what to expect. There was no controlling him, that’s for sure, and part of her feared for those that might wander too close. She had to learn to deal with this man if she was to spend any more time with him, and from the sounds of it, she might be getting to do a lot of that.
Pari thought of their upcoming date and had to ask. “So, where did you want to go when we… um… go out?”
He smiled. “Leave that to me. But we must do it soon if it’s to be here.” He looked her in the eyes. “Is that what you wish?”
Pari nodded. “I do. I need… normal. I don’t expect you to understand, but if there’s a chance for some, then I want it.”
His head cocked slightly, and his face softened further. “I will grant you this. We will have a normal date.” Melvale smiled. “But first, let’s make our purchases then return to your uncles so they can see you are still here. For now, anyway.”