Page 133 of The Alpha
She blinked back her confusion. “What?”
He gave her a single nod. “You called me forth, Kahtala Miah. Here I am.”
Her jaw went slack. “I… called you?”
Another nod. Another sniff of her hair, and his forehead was resting against hers again. “I will always come when you summon me.”
She sucked in a breath. “You… you mean when I said Bondrah?”
“Yes, precious one.” He gently adjusted her in his arms and looked into her eyes. “My beauty, Kahtala Miah.”
Pari wanted to melt into a puddle. “Oh… erm… I don’t mind, I guess… but…”
He nuzzled her neck.
“Ohhhhhh my goodness… um… well…”
He pushed his nose into her cheek and sniffed, before his tongue touched her skin.
“Ahhhhh, oh, wow…”
“Do you like that, Kahtala Miah?”
Pari found it hard to form words. “Erm… I…”
His tongue found her lips, and he ever so softly ran it across them. It wasn’t a kiss, exactly, more like he was exploring. “Kahtala Miah, yeh nah maylho sol.”
“I don’t know what that m-means,” she stammered as he tasted her lips again.
“My heart, you are my life,” he translated.
“Oh, well, that’s good to know.” She swallowed again and looked into his glowing blue eyes. “Wow, um, this is new.”
He cupped her face with his hand, and she wondered if he was about to kiss her. But no, he put his cheek to hers, and the rumbling in his chest started again.
“Are… are you… purring?”
He didn’t answer, he simply held her cradled against him, sounding like a giant cat. The thought made her wonder if Q purred like this. Were the two races somehow related? No, they couldn’t be…
“If you need me, Kahtala Miah,” he whispered into her ear. “Summon me, and I will come.”
She thought about earlier. “By calling you Bondrah Miah?”
He drew back, his face taking on a serious look. “I am your Bondrah.”
Something deep within her responded, and she was nodding before she realized it. “Yes.”
“And you are mine…”
She nodded again without thinking. “Yes…. wait… what?” She shook her head. “Bondrah…”
“Yes?” he drawled happily.
“What do you mean I’m yours?”
He smiled as his eyes got bluer. “Yes. Mine.”
“Uh… you know, I don’t think I got that memo.” She gulped, unsure of how to take this or handle him.