Page 144 of The Alpha
“Melvale!” a woman chirped.
The woman was pretty, with long dark hair and hazel eyes. She practically launched herself at him and the two embraced.
Pari watched as her belly knotted. This was Kitty?!
They let go of each other, and Kitty smacked him on the arm. “Where have you been, you big goof? We were so worried.”
He shrugged. “Here, hanging out, as you say.”
Pari noticed he sounded more like Melvale now. Unable to help it, she stood, and went to one side of the room so she could see his expression.
He didn’t look at her, his eyes were fixed on Kitty. “I’m sorry you worried.”
“Everyone did. Next time tell somebody where you’re going, okay?” Kitty hugged him. “Regardless, I’m so happy for you.” Her eyes flicked to Pari, and she smiled. “Hi.”
Kitty made a face at Melvale as she released him and shook her head. “We’ll have none of that.”
Pari managed to take her eyes off Kitty to look at him. Was he wiping away a tear?! Was he that happy to see this woman?
Pari’s heart sank and an all too familiar dread filled her.
“I’m sorry, I get overwhelmed at times,” Melvale said. “Thank you.”
Kitty gave him a heartfelt look. “You deserve the best.”
He smiled at her then motioned to Pari. “Here she is.”
Kitty smiled at her again and approached. “Hi, I’m this goofball’s friend.”
Pari stared at her and forced a smile. “Hi.” Pari continued the forced smile and fought the urge to run upstairs to her own apartment. It hit so fast; she didn’t have time to collect herself.
Melvale was at her side in an instant. “Pari, may I introduce Kitty Morgan?”
Pari looked at her and tried to beat back the feelings of disappointment, jealousy, not to mention a hint of rage. She was so attuned to gaining and losing friends, she found herself using all three as a shield. But what good would that do? How much more pathetic could she be?
“Pari,” Melvale said gently beside her.
She noticed his arm was around her, but it did nothing to dispel the icy chill forming in her gut.
She looked at him and bit her lower lip to keep her jaw from trembling.
Melvale steered her toward the kitchen. “We’re going to make some popcorn.”
“I’ll help!” Kitty chirped.
“No, friend,” Melvale said. “Pari and I will take care of it. Sit down and eat.”
“Alpha Melvale,” a man with short-cropped brown hair and brown eyes approached. “Here, take these.” He handed Melvale two white bags, and a couple of drinks.
Melvale took the bags, handed them to Pari, then took the drinks. “Come along, Kitten.”
She blushed to her toes at the use of the endearment in front of so many and followed him into the kitchen. As soon as they were inside, he set the bags on the counter, took the drinks from her, and set those down too. That done, he picked her up and satheron the counter. “Now, my lovely one. Tell me why you feel so despondent and full of despair, hmm?”
“D’ye think he killed them?”Dallan asked King Jaireth in a low voice.
The king rolled his eyes. “I have no idea what he did. It would depend on which side of him was more dominant at the time.”