Page 163 of The Alpha
“Yes, Alpha,” one of the guards said. They grabbed Peter and dragged him off.
“You did well, Alpha Melvale,” Kwaku praised. “Our prisoner is still alive.”
Melvale stared at him, his chest rising and falling with every angry breath he took. “I wanted to kill him,” he said in his Alpha’s gravelly voice. “But there is light still in his heart. It would be a shame not to guide him to it.”
Kwaku smiled. “Yes. Now you are beginning to understand. And was dat same light in any of de men you dealt wid last night?”
Melvale looked him in the eyes. “No.” With that, he turned and strode out of the room. At least he remembered that much, but enough. He needed Pari, needed to hold her, make sure she was safe. He knew Dallan and Shona could take care of her, yet he couldn’t stand to be apart from her any longer.
She was the only one that could calm him, make the storm raging within him settle. She could tame the Alpha.
“Kwaku!” Melvale called over his shoulder. “We will leave soon.” He stopped in the long corridor outside the meeting room. “Father…”
“Yes, my son?” Zerbe glided up to him. “What do you need?”
“Tell Mother I want quarters prepared for Pari. If I must bring her here, I want her to have a private place she can go to.” He thought a moment. “No, wait, she might want to be with other humans. Speak with Grandma and the others. Have them prepare a room at the hotel.”
“As you wish. I’ll post guards in that section of the library.” Zerbe put a hand on his back. “Youwillwin her, Melvale.”
He nodded. “I have to, don’t I?”
His father gave him a sage nod. “Yes.”
Melvale drew in a deep breath. “I will do my best.”
Kwaku joined them. “I have summoned Zara. Do you wish to take anything back with you?”
Melvale thought a moment. “Some clothes for Pari… no, I’ll take her shopping instead. She’ll enjoy that.” He took a few steps. “Christmas shopping.” He smiled. “Let us pay a visit to wardrobe. I’ll need something else to wear, and as I recall, there are even a few Christmas items tucked away somewhere.”
Kwaku grinned. “As you wish, Alpha Melvale.”
“And the prisoner?” Zerbe asked. “What of him?”
“Feed him, water him, keep him alive. He knows more; I can feel it, but it seems scattered.”
Kwaku nodded. “Yes, Alpha. I will meet you in de wardrobe section of de library. We will leave from dere.” He strode down the wide corridor to meet his wife.
Melvale watched him go. “I would visit Q for a moment, Father.”
“Very well, I shall tell your mother your wishes, and we will speak to Grandma Waller and her friends.”
“Maida can visit Pari there, and I’ll spend as much time with her as I can,” Melvale said. “I…” he swallowed hard. “I already love her, Father.” His face softened. “Is that possible?”
“Of course it is, my son,” Zerbe said with a smile. “She is your mate, your heart. You must allow your heart to heal her. But you must also be patient. Just because you have risen to be the Alpha of our age, does not mean war is at our doorstep quite yet. You have time to win her.”
Melvale’s face fell. “But war will be here soon enough.”
Zerbe took a deep breath and nodded. “I am afraid so. Why else would your Alpha have risen?”
He nodded. “Why else indeed.” Melvale hugged his father, patted him on the back, then took off at a run for his quarters. His new speed was faster than a Sarian. In fact, as far as he knew, he was now the fastest thing on the planet, in any century.
When he reached his quarters, Q was on the balcony. “Melvalesssk!” He scrambled toward him and came to a skidding stop.
Melvale grabbed hold of his fur and buried his face in it. “Q” came out muffled but that was okay. He drew back and went to stand in front of the huge beast.
“Where is Parisssk?”
“Safe with Time Master Dallan and Shona.”