Page 165 of The Alpha
“As you wish, Judge. The door will be unlocked.” He cast a worried glance at his worker. “That lazy bones is chained. There’s no chance for escape.”
Zerbe looked at him. “Unchain her.”
“What?!” Shaveer’s jaw went slack.
“She will not try to escape,” Zerbe said with the utmost confidence. “She enjoys living too much. Not to mention your company.”
Shaveer laughed. “I don’t know about that.”
“Release her,” Zerbe ordered again.
“Oh, all right, but I don’t like this.” He went to the woman, unlocked the manacles around her ankles, and stomped to the door. “Do not say I didn’t warn you, Judge.” He left, closing the door behind him.
Zerbe stepped forward. “Hello, Julia.”
The woman pulled off her knitted cap, unwrapped the scarves from around her face and neck, and smiled at him. “Hello, Judge.”
He went to the table. “Shaveer has you taking inventory, I see.”
Julia Dawson rolled her eyes. “Always. He keeps track of every crumb in this place.” She leaned against the table. “Has something happened? Is Shona all right?”
“She is fine, as is her mate.” He joined her at the table. “There has been… a development. It involves the Anontist Center.”
She blanched. “That place? How could anything develop? It no longer exists.”
“Not in this time,” he said. “But apparently in later years, after you left, it’s running smoothly and with an efficiency that worries me.”
Her eyes were wide, mouth half open. “What’s happened?”
He stepped toward her. “Before I tell you, remember that the King and I made an agreement concerning you. You have only been half pardoned for saving his daughter that fateful day in the lower levels. Now I am going to give you a chance at a full pardon, if you’re willing to take it.”
Her jaw dropped. “Yes, anything!”
He gave her a sympathetic look. “Do not be so eager, little human. There is great danger in what I’m about to say and ask of you.”
Julia closed the distance between them. “You let me live, Zerbe. You let me work, earn a wage even though chained. Have I not proven myself?”
“You have not been an indentured servant to Shaveer for long, Julia. And your earnings are minimal compared to the debt of service you owe. But my heart’s judgement is fair.” He sighed. “Considering one you care about may be put in danger, I thought you would want to help.”
He nodded. “More than the king’s daughter will suffer if you fail.”
Julia wiped at her nose and wrapped one of the scarves back around her neck. “What’s happened?”
“Hunters from the Anontist Center have somehow managed to create portals through time. They are hunting us, Julia. And for whatever reason, have their sights set on my son, Melvale. They captured him once, and we were able to retrieve him. But these portals are a concern. What can you tell me about them?”
Julia paced, rubbing her arms with her hands. Zerbe was becoming chilled and would have to take her to the outer room soon. “Portals through time?” she said, her face screwed up in confusion. “There was no such technology while I was at the center.”
“Did you know of a Dr. Charles?”
She spun to him. “Sephtis Charles?”
He nodded.
She whistled. “He was rising through the ranks fast when I was… arrested. He even testified at my trial, the jerk. He was young, ambitious. A conniving, backstabbing, son a of…”
Zerbe held up a hand. “I get the idea.” He clasped his hands behind his back. “And you are sure no such technology existed?”