Page 174 of The Alpha
She held her breath. Why didn’t anyone get it? “He’s leaving.” She turned away and looked out the kitchen window.
“So are you,” Kitty said. “It won’t be safe for you here for a while. You’ll have to return to the palace with the rest.”
“What about you?” Pari asked.
“I’ll get sent home. Unless they want me to stay for a bit. I don’t mind that at all. The palace is cool.”
Pari couldn’t argue. If she was lucky, maybe she’d get to do some exploring. Then she’d have some nifty memories to treasure.
“Give Melvale a chance,” Kitty said. “He deserves that.”
Pari stared at her cereal. “Yeah, I guess he does.” She wasn’t about to tell her about her growing feelings for the big guy. But the whole situation was crazy, and she didn’t think she could handle it if Melvale suddenly decided she wasn’t for him. What if he discovered his heart wasn’t compatible with hers? How did heeven know what to look for? She’d had a broken heart, and she wouldn’t be surprised if a few pieces of it were still missing.
Okay make that a lot.
Pari finished her cereal, rinsed her bowl and put it in the sink. “I’m going to change. Where is everyone anyway?”
“Dallan and Shona are in the hall outside, Kwaku and Zara are downstairs talking with your Uncle Al, and Melvale is in your room, changing.”
Pari wondered where he got clothes to change into. She didn’t recall any of them bringing backpacks or suitcases in yesterday. Just the tree and ornaments.
She gave Kitty a nod and went to her room. She noticed the curtains between her bedroom and spare room were closed. She knocked on the side of the wide entrance.
“Come in,” Melvale sang.
She smiled and stepped through the curtain. Melvale was wearing a light blue tee-shirt, blue jeans and tennis shoes. His hair was braided on the sides, and the rest of it pulled back in a low ponytail. “Do you braid that yourself?” she asked, curious.
“Yes, only takes a minute.” He brushed at one forearm and faced her. “Do I meet with your approval?”
Was he kidding?! “Um, yeah.” She blushed to her toes and went to her dresser. “Do you mind if I change?”
“Not at all.” He joined her. “Let’s see what you have in here.” He reached for the top drawer
She smacked his hand away. “That’s my undies drawer!”
He arched an eyebrow. “Oh, pardon me.” He reached for the next one.
She smacked his hand again. “What are you doing?”
“Helping you pick out an outfit of course.” His hands went to his hips as he looked her over. “Something floral, I think.” He reached for the dresser again and stopped. “Are you going to beat me?”
Pari laughed. “Get out of here!”
He grinned at her. “Really, you ought to let me dress you.”
“No!” She grabbed a pillow off her bed and smacked him with it. “Now get out so I can change.”
He laughed, and her chest…. opened? It was the oddest thing, almost as if he’d opened a door. “Oh, very well, Kitten. But I’m picking you out some clothes when we go shopping.”
“No, you’re not,” she stated.
He smiled and winked. “We’ll see about that.” Melvale strode out of the room and disappeared through the curtains.
Pari heard him speak to Kitty and breathed a sigh of relief. She liked him when he was goofy and hadn’t heard him laugh so boisterously before. Was he in a good mood? And if so, was it because she said she’d go on this second date? But could they call it a date when Kitty, Shona, and Dallan were going with them?
Pari changed into a pair of light denim capris and a simple white top and tennis shoes. She didn’t have fancy clothes and wouldn’t know what to do with them if she did.
Pari grabbed her small crossover purse and headed for the living room. She hoped Dallan and Shona had already grabbed some breakfast.