Page 184 of The Alpha
Dr. Charles’ eyebrows shot up. “Do tell?”
Mr. Vance gulped. “He picked us off one by one fast as lightning! As far as I know, I’m the only man that survived.”
Dr. Charles’ lips pressed into a firm line. “Bodies?”
“None, sir. The men just… disappeared. Gone!” Mr. Vance limped to a chair by the desk and sank onto it. “What are we going to do?”
Dr. Charles blew out a breath. “Seems my prize is upset.” He slowly turned to him. “Which begs the question, why are you still alive?”
Mr. Vance shrugged. “He tossed me around like I was a rag doll. I saw him bite several of the men before he threw them into the trees. He moved so fast; we could barely see him. He was just a blur!”
“Trees?” Dr. Charles said, intrigued.
“Yes sir, some of the bigger ones on the block up from the girl’s apartment.”
“And who is watching for her now?”
Mr. Vance gulped. “No one, sir.”
Dr. Charles planted his hands on the armrests of the chair. “Get me that girl! Make no mistake, he let you go. My prize is sending a message. Well, I’m going to send a message of my own.” He straightened and paced to the other side of the room and back. “Watch her uncles’ places of business. Watch the neighborhood. Either she already returned or will at some point. Why else would he be there?”
Mr. Vance grimaced as he tried to stand. “I don’t know sir.”
Dr. Charles pinched the bridge of his nose. “She’s the easier target. We get our hands on her, he’ll come after her like before.”
“What about taking the uncles?”
“I’m not sure my prize is attuned to them like he is her.” He turned to Mr. Vance. “I think it’s time I had a long talk with our associate.”
Mr. Vance shuddered. “How, sir?”
Dr. Charles scowled. “Our associate is scheduled to check in at any time. I have no idea where she’s been these last few weeks, but I’m positive there are portals she’s not telling us about. For all I know, she’s gone to check on them.”
“Why not wring the information from her?”
“Because she possesses a weapon unlike anything I’ve ever seen, Mr. Vance. That fiend threatens me with it almost every time we speak.” He went behind his desk and sat. “Assemble a new team. Get back out there and get me Miss Lindir.”
“But sir, he’s bound to be with her. We’ll never get close enough…”
“He can’t be with her every moment of the day, now, can he?” Dr. Charles steepled his fingers. “No, he’ll get carelesseventually. Then when he comes after her, we’ll trap him like we did before. After I speak with our associate, I’ll know how to spring a better trap. And if one of those doesn’t work, then we’ll at least have some leverage. Then I suppose we’ll have to stash Miss Lindir away someplace where he can’t find her.”
Mr. Vance tried to stand straight but couldn’t manage it. “Shall we try to find out what happened to the last team?”
“Yes. Now get going.”
Mr. Vance limped toward the door.
“He may have hidden them…”
Mr. Vance turned around. “Sir?”
“Your men. Our associate mentioned something about the ways Muirarans are trained. I don’t think they like killing. But that could change in an instant, which is why we must examine some of them and learn all we can. We haven’t come this far to stop our work now.”
Mr. Vance gave him a jerky nod. It looked like it hurt. Dr. Charles didn’t care. “Mr. Vance…”
He turned again. “Yes, sir?”
“Have a bottle of brandy sent down. I’m going to need a good stiff drink before I meet with our associate. I want to be prepared.”