Page 186 of The Alpha
She nodded. “I… made some new friends.”
His smile grew. “Well, I’m glad to hear it. Tell me about them.”
“They’re friends of Hal and Raina’s.”
“Did you find them?”
“Yes! Or rather, they found me.” She relaxed in the chair and brushed her bangs to one side.
“You changed your hair,” he pointed out. “I like it.” He looked at her a little closer. “Your tattoos…?”
“I got rid of them. And… got a new look.” She plastered on a smile.
He smiled back. “It’s a good look, Pari. Does it make you feel better?”
“Oh, yes. You have no idea.” She bit her lower lip. If only she could tell him of all the strange and wonderful things that happened to her over the last two weeks.
“Tell me about these new friends of yours, and about Hal and Raina.”
She didn’t dare get into what really happened, he’d ask too many questions, so she stuck to what she could say.
“They tried to contact me but couldn’t. They finally showed up at my apartment. They… went home. But wanted to say goodbye to me first.”
“Well, now, that is good news. I’m sorry you went through all that worry for nothing, but considering the circumstances, I can see how things could get discombobulated.”
She nodded. “I met their friends who are also here visiting, and they stayed with me…”
“Oh, Pari…”
“It’s not what you think,” she said, almost coming out of her chair. “They’re all very nice, and we had a great time. We’re having a Christmas in July party tonight before they… leave.” Her face fell.
“Pari, what is it?” Dr. Merrill asked.
She met his wizened gaze. “They… asked if I’d like to come with them.”
“Are they from the same place Hal and Raina are?”
She nodded. “I need to make a decision.”
“Can your Uncle Al get along at the shop okay without you for a time?”
“I think so. Yes.”
“Can you afford the trip?”
She thought of her time shopping with Melvale. “Yes. I’ll be fine.”
“Well then, it sounds like a wonderful idea. Will Hal and Raina be there?”
She smiled and nodded. “Yes.”
“And you trust them?” Dr. Merrill asked. “And what about your uncles? Do they trust them? Have they met these people?”
She smiled as she thought of what Uncle Al said about Melvale. “They do.”
Dr. Merrill rested his hands on the desk and gave her a sage nod. “Is there anything stopping you from going?”
She looked him in the eyes. “No, not really.”