Page 31 of The Alpha
While Archer searched the room, Dallan walked through the apartment into Pari’s bedroom and looked at the bay window. The middle window was closed now. He still couldn’t get over the fact that Melvale jumped right through it.
He went to window and looked at the sidewalk below. “I wonder how many people saw Melvale jump.”
“They may have only seen him land,” Shona said. “But I don’t think anyone with a phone was fast enough to take a picture.”
“Nay, but he’s got speed as a Muiraran, not to mention what’s rising up inside of him. Kwaku said he’ll be much stronger than your average Muiraran. Wickedly fast too, and more cunning.”
“Yes, but he also said it’s all to protect Pari.” Shona wrapped her arms around him. “I wonder what she’s like.”
“Have Halden and Raina no said anything more?”
She sighed. “No, only that she was kind, generous, and a good cook. Pari watched out for them while they were here.”
“A woman of good character is hard to find.” He tucked a finger under her chin, lifted her face to his, and kissed her. When he broke the kiss, he rubbed his nose against hers. “I’m glad I found one.”
Shona smiled at him, tangled her fingers in his hair and pulled his face to hers.
They stopped kissing and looked at Lany. “Tylahs and I are going to search outside the building and get some food. Then I’m going to look at Pari’s laptop.”
“D’ye ken how to work it?” Dallan asked.
“A little, and Halden can help me.” He looked at Tylahs, who was sitting on his shoulder. “You’d better hide in my pocket, little buddy.”
Tylahs saluted him. “Okaysssk!” He ran down Lany’s arm and crawled into the side pocket of his light windbreaker.
Dallan studied him. The air here was humid, and poor Lany was going to wish he didn’t have to wear the extra cover to tote Tylahs around.
Archer must have thought the same thing. He entered the room and tossed Lany a small, black backpack. “Here, for your Sarian companion.”
Lany gave him a half smile. “Thanks, I appreciate it.” He pulled Tylahs out of his pocket. “New plan, little buddy.”
Tylahs looked at the backpack. “Ohhh, much better. More roomsssk!”
Lany handed Tylahs to Shona and took off his windbreaker. He tossed it on the bed and put the backpack on. “Okay.”
Shona smiled, handed Tylahs back, and they watched him run up Lany’s arm, over his shoulder, and dive headfirst into the open backpack. “Ohhhh it’s nice in heresssk!”
Shona laughed. “Better hope no one tries to stick a hand in there thinking they can rob you.”
“Tylahs bite themsssk!”
Lany smiled. “I’m not going to worry about it.”
Archer laughed and pulled out a black wallet. “Here, this one’s yours. Don’t go crazy. I brought a decent amount of money, but Time Master Dallan doesn’t want to have to return for more.”
Dallan watched him a moment. “Ye thought of everything, did ye no?”
Archer grinned. “I tried. I’m no Melvale though, so don’t expect miracles.”
Everyone sobered at his words. “No,” Dallan said. “I suppose not. But given time, ye may prove yourself as proficient as he is.”
Archer beamed. “You really think so?”
Dallan slapped him on the shoulder. “Like I said, given enough time. And practice.” He smacked his shoulder again then went into the other room to check on Kwaku and the others.
Raina was in the kitchen, pulling cartons of ice cream from the freezer. “We’ll have to buy more ice cream for Pari,” she told Halden.