Page 34 of The Alpha
Oswald heaved a sigh. "Very well, sir." He took a card from his lab coat pocket and ran it through something on his side of the door.
Pari backed up. "No..."
"I'm so sorry," Oswald said.
She looked him in the eyes, saw the regret in them, and wondered if she could run past him. Unfortunately, the doctor stood in the doorway, the dreaded syringe in his hand.
She backed up another step and glanced at the man in the next cell. He was watching them, trying to climb to his knees. But what could he do?
Her head snapped to Oswald as he approached. "Easy now,” he said. “Just come out peacefully and let's get this over with.”
"There's no need to be polite!" Dr. Charles snapped. "Grab her and bring her out!"
Pari's breathing picked up. "Oh, please no!" She backed to the wall.
The man in the next cell used the glass wall to pull himself to his feet. He bared his teeth and upper and lower fangs appeared. Something that did not go unnoticed by Oswald. "Um, sir..."
"Never mind him," the doctor snapped. "He can't help her." His voice had dropped ominously in pitch as he eyed Pari.
She went cold. "Please, you don't have to do this..."
The man in the next cell ran at the wall between them and hit it hard with his shoulder.
Oswald jumped. "Are you sure about this, sir?"
"Oh, for the love of... Mr. Vance!"
The man in the hall came through the door at the other side of the room, went to the doctor and saluted. "Yes, Dr. Charles?"
The doctor snarled at Oswald. "My assistant is a little squeamish this morning. Bring the girl out and put her on the table."
"Yes, sir." He advanced on the cell.
Pari screamed when he entered and shoved his way past Oswald. He grabbed her by the arm and in one move, shoved his shoulder into her midsection and stood with her. Pari kicked and screamed as she hung over his shoulder, but to no avail.
The man in the other cell roared and ran at the wall again.
It cracked.
"Oh, dear," Dr. Charles said calmly. "Oswald. Tranq him."
Oswald gasped. "What? Me?"
"Do you see anyone else?" the doctor drawled.
Pari was unceremoniously thrown onto the table. The impact knocked the wind out of her, and she lay stunned for a moment. Long enough for Mr. Vance to grab the strap that went across her midsection and secure it in place. He did the same with the one that went over her knees as the doctor joined him and the two began to secure her wrists and ankles.
Pari let out a blood curdling scream. If anything, it would get the man in the cell riled up. If he escaped, she'd have a chance.
"Oswald!" the doctor yelled.
Pari opened her mouth again, sucked in some air...
"Oh no you don't." The doctor pulled a handkerchief out of his lab coat pocket and stuffed it in her mouth, silencing her.
She screamed anyway, but the muffled sound wasn't going to prompt her only hope for survival to run at the wall again. At least she didn't think so.