Page 5 of The Alpha
“Raina Berg. She’s in room 525.”
The security guard punched a few things into the computer. “Um, it looks like Raina Berg was discharged this morning.”
Pari’s eyes widened. “What?!”
He looked at her and nodded. “Yep. You’ll have to visit her at home. A good thing, right?”
Pari stared at him with wide eyes. Why didn’t Raina call? Did she even have the spare key to the apartment? “Can you check what room Halden Kolbeck is in?”
“Are you a relative?”
“Sister,” she said without hesitation.
His fingers flew over the keys before he shook his head. “There’s no Halden Kolbeck.”
Her jaw dropped. “Wa-was he discharged too?”
He gave her a sympathetic look. “I don’t know.” He punched a few more things into the computer. “I can’t find him.”
Pari went cold. “No where at all?”
He shook his head. “Sorry.”
“But Raina was definitely discharged,” she clarified.
“Looks that way.” He smiled at her then looked at the next person in line.
Pari moved out of the way and glanced at the exit. There was nothing to do now but go home and see what Raina found out. Maybe she lost the paper Pari wrote her number on. She hoped Raina made it to the apartment all right.
Pari hurried home, she didn’t want Raina to have to be by herself long.
“Raina?” she called as soon as she let herself in. Pari checked Raina’s bedroom. She wasn’t there. “Raina?” She went into her own bedroom, then backtracked and checked the living room and kitchen. “She’s not here.” Pari pulled her phone out of her back pocket. “No texts or calls.” Her head snapped to the front door. “Maybe she’s downstairs.” She dashed out of the apartment and hurried to the first floor. If Raina didn’t have a key, maybe Uncle Al let her in.
She knocked on his door. As soon as he opened it, she went inside. “Where’s Raina, is she here?”
His thick eyebrows shot up. He removed his cigar from his mouth and gave her a blank look. “No, why would she be?”
“The hospital discharged her this morning.”
Pari paced. “Yes, but she’s not home. I thought she’d buzz you to let her in.”
“No, and I’ve been here all afternoon.”
Pari pulled her phone out of her back pocket and checked it again. “Where can she be? What if she’s lost?”
Uncle Al rolled his eyes and stuck his cigar back in his mouth. “You worry too much. She probably went to see Halden.”
Pari spun to him. “That’s just it. The security guard at the main desk said he’s not there.”
“He got discharged too?”
“No,” she said, voice cracking. “He’s not even in the system!”
He took her by the hand and gave it a pat. “Now, now, Pariwink, calm down. I’m sure it’s a glitch. Happens all the time. Happened to your Uncle Leo once, remember?”
Pari hugged herself. “Yeah, I remember. It took almost fifteen minutes for the staff to find what floor he was on. They mixed him up with another patient.”