Page 96 of The Alpha
A single tear slid down her face. “But I … I want to go home.”
He pulled her close. “I know. And I will go with you. But we cannot stay there long. If we do, we risk capture again, do you understand?”
She nodded against his chest. “Yes.”
Melvale fought the urge to tighten his hold, but he didn’t want to scare her. He still needed to win her, and if taking her home for a brief time would do that, then he was willing to take the risk.
They left his quarters and headed for one of the small palace kitchens that was nearby. He had no idea where Q was wandering, but it didn’t matter. The kitchen Shaveer oversaw wasn’t far, and he figured Pari and himself could use the walk.
She said little as they went, and he left her to her thoughts. He’d make sure Pari rested before they headed out, and of course he should get permission from King Jaireth. If the king said no, then he’d have to try to persuade him. He’d done it before.
Oh, wait. He didn’t have to doany persuadingif he let the Alpha side of him take over… but should he do such a thing? Melvale wasn’t sure…
“Where are we going?” Pari finally asked.
He gave her a tender look. “A wonderful little place. A palace kitchen.”
Her face screwed up in confusion. “What?” She trotted now and then to keep up with his long strides and he slowed his pace.
“One of many,” he said. “This one just happens to be the closest to my quarters. Shaveer, the head cook, is a friend.”
“You’re going to use a palace cook to protect my uncles?”
An amused chuckle escaped him. “No, Kitten. But no doubt the person I’m seeking will be there. He can’t help himself. AndShaveer is one of the few people in the palace that will put up with him.
“Who is it?” she asked, voice laced with curiosity.
“Archer.” He smiled at her. “I have things I need to explain to you, but first I want you to promise me something.”
She stopped. “What?”
Melvale turned to her and saw the hint of suspicion in her eyes. “Promise you’ll rest. I hate seeing you like this.”
She stared at him a moment. “Do I look that bad?”
He took a step toward her, closing the distance between them. “Of course not. But I sense the weariness within you, and I don’t like it.”
Pari gaped at him. “You sense it?”
He nodded. “I can sense all sorts of things about you.”
Her eyes grew round. “Like what?”
He smiled. “I can smell your tears, I know when you’re scared, happy, sad…”
Her eyes grew wider. “How?”
He shrugged. “I just do.”
She paced back and forth in front of him a few times then stopped. “I… I want to introduce you to my uncles.”
“I’d love to meet them.” He gave her a tender smile. “And you can show me around a little.”
She smiled in return. It was unhindered and he could feel joy emanating from her. “I’d like that. You’ll love Brooklyn.” She smiled again and one of her hands moved toward his before she pulled it back. Was she about to take it?
Melvale smiled and motioned her to start walking. She did, and he scanned the corridor for any signs of danger. He knew there was no one lurking in the shadows. This was home. Why then did the Alpha side of him suddenly go on alert?
They rounded a corner, and his great Aunt Timmohn was just coming out of the kitchen. Without thought, Melvale grabbed Pari and shoved her behind him.