Page 20 of Reckless Royalty
Connor watches me, his green eyes narrowed as he studies my expression. “This is more than just ‘checking on her,’ isn’t it? You look like someone slapped you across the face, Mihai.”
I glare at him, but he’s right, and we both know it.
“I just didn’t expect…” I trail off, the words sticking in my throat. I’m not used to being at a loss for words, but after seeing Madison like that, after seeing her—the version of her hidden under all the fear—I’m rattled. There’s no other way to put it.
Connor raises an eyebrow, clearly not about to let me off the hook. “Didn’t expect what?”
I sit down heavily on the armchair across from him, running a hand over my face. “I didn’t expect to see… her covered in fucking tattoos.”
He blanches, sitting up straight. “Madison has ink? Serious ink?”
“Yeah,” I say, nodding, still trying to process it myself. “She’s got this deer across her chest, these intricate designs up and down her arms… hell, she’s even got this massive peacock on her thigh. The whole time, I was just… stunned as fuck.”
Connor whistles, crossing his arms. “Well, well. So she’s got a bit of a wild side. Did not see that coming. And clearly, neither did you,” he chuckles, leaning forward with a glint in his eye. “So she’s got you all frazzled. The big, bad Mihai, undone by some ink and a panic attack. Who would’ve thought?”
“Don’t push it, Connor,” I warn, though my tone lacks bite.
I’m too preoccupied with the image of Madison in that tank top, her shoulders bare, her tattoos on display. God, she’s fucking gorgeous.
Connor smirks, picking up his beer again and taking a long sip before he speaks. “Okay, okay. But it sounds like she’s gotmore layers than we thought. What’s the problem here, mate? She’s not a doll you can just put in a glass case. She’s real and she’s been through hell.”
“I know that,” I say, my voice rough. “But it threw me. And now, I’ve got her and Sofia to think about, and I don’t know how to balance all this. Now Cat gave her a phone?—”
He raises an eyebrow. “That’s what’s got you worked up too? A phone?”
“No,” I snap, then soften my tone slightly as I rub the back of my neck again. “I mean, yes. Kind of. I didn’t think of it, Connor. I didn’t make sure she had any way to communicate. Cat did. And I don’t know why I didn’t think of that.”
Connor shrugs, a small grin playing on his lips. “That’s because my baby sister’s an angel. She probably saw the lass struggling and wanted to help. You, on the other hand, are too busy tryin’ to be Mr. Responsible to notice the little things.”
I grunt, sitting down on the arm of a chair. “That’s not the point. I should’ve been the one to do it. I’m supposed to be the one taking care of her.”
Connor gives me a look, his grin fading. “Mihai, you can’t do everything, and besides, Cat didn’t overstep. She saw a problem and solved it. You should be grateful she did.” He leans back, folding his arms across his chest. “You’ve always been good at juggling, but sometimes you need to let other people help.”
I narrow my eyes at him—part glare, part curiosity. “What do you mean?”
He raises an eyebrow, then shrugs. “Like me, for example. I could spend some time with Madison—see if I can help her out.”
“No,” I say immediately, my voice sharp. “Absolutely not.”
Connor rolls his eyes, clearly exasperated. “Oh, come on. I’m a psych major, for fuck’s sake. I might actually be able to help her more than you can. You know… with the talkin’ thing. Or rather, the not talkin’ thing.”
I stare at him for a second, trying to gauge whether he’s serious or not. Of course, he’s serious—Connor may be a joker, but when it comes to his field, he knows what he’s doing.
Still, I can’t shake the protective instinct flaring up inside me. “You don’t know what you’re dealing with,” I snap. “She’s not just some project for you to poke around in.”
“And I won’t be treatin’ her like one,” Connor shoots back, his voice sharp. “I’m not a fucking amateur, Mihai. I know how to handle trauma. You think sitting in silence with her is gonna get her to talk? You’re keepin’ her alive, sure, but that doesn’t mean you’re helping her heal.”
I narrow my eyes, not entirely sure what to think. “I don’t know, Connor. I just know that she doesn’t need to be overwhelmed.”
He shakes his head, standing up from the couch and pacing slowly. “She’s already overwhelmed, if you think about it. She’s been shot at, her family’s dead, and she’s been thrown into our world without a damn choice. You think what I’m offerin’ is going to make that worse?”
I rub the back of my neck, trying to calm down. “She’s fragile right now.”
“And you’re not?” he snaps back, surprising me. “You’re stretched thin, mate. You’re trying to be the one who fixes everything.”
I clench my jaw, not wanting to admit that he’s right. I’m not equipped to deal with the psychological mess she’s carrying around. But the idea of Connor spending time with her, getting close to her… it doesn’t sit right with me.
And why the fuck not, Mihai?God, I hate my mind.