Page 16 of Grease's Guide
“We’ll keep you safe!”
“I’ll put a cap in anyone's ass that thinks they can come take you from us!” A growled-out response tells me that was Rome…of course.
“Alright, alright, you all! Come on now, she just got home. Give her room to breathe,” Trip says to the kids before turning a smile my way and pulling Ophelia into his side.
“We missed you so much!” Ophelia cries, wanting to reach for me, but a billion kids claim her spot. I couldn't ask for a better homecoming.
“Like I was saying, we are going to head to church. We need the full story to know where to go from here,” Swift continues.
I nod, smiling down at the kids.
“I’m not going anywhere again. Promise. Kay?” I wait for them to nod before I follow Swift and the other guys down the hall toward the meeting room. I’ve actually never been in that room. It always seems so foreboding, but I know now that I'm safewith these people. I’ve always felt safe with these people. But this room was always different. I should have known to just come to these guys first. Why did I run, and why should I keep fighting it if they know all the details and still want me around? But it’s finally time to tell them every detail of my story.
I start to take a seat in a chair Swift points out. Instead, I feel Grease's arm around my waist, then feel him tug me down onto his lap. Swift raises his eyebrows.
“No disrespect, Prez, but I’ve been without my old lady for three months. I’m keeping her close,” he says. Swift just smirks and nods. I gape at the fact he called me his old lady. That’s a huge claim. I know he said I was his, but damn.
“Lyra, whenever you want to start, hun,” Hitter says in a soft voice. Looking around the table, I take a deep breath before letting it all out.
“You’ve all been made aware of my life before college, I’m guessing? You didn't seem too surprised by my mama, and that's a feat in itself, so I’ll skip to after college. I started teaching at a private school right out of college. I might not have grown up with money, but I was smart. I also got lucky with the offer. I never had any issues and loved the school and everyone I worked with until Connor. He was the brightest kid in my whole third-grade class. He wasn't only smart, though; he had a heart of gold. After I gave him that compliment, he told me it was unacceptable. His father said it was a weakness, and he would beat out of him. That was the first time I turned him into the resource officer.” I pause to gather my thoughts, trying to keep a distance from the memories so I can get through the whole story before I break.
“I loved Connor with all of my heart. I would have taken him in a second, but there was no way they would have let me. It wasn't long, not even a day after I reported the incident, before Connor came back to school with bruises covering most of his body. It was reported as a hiking accident. His family went to the countryside home for a nice family outing. He lost his footing and fell. No one questioned it. Over and over it happened and explained away. It was killing me slowly… I was threatened to let it go, scared, and attacked while grocery shopping. My breaks were cut, tires slashed. I was ‘robbed’ coming home from work one night. The cops forgot to mention in the report I was threatened that if I didn't shut my mouth, the next time they broke in, it would be to burn the place down with me, my mom, my best friend, and Connor inside.”
“Mother fucker Tootsie. You're the bravest woman I’ve ever known,” Grease says, but it causes me to snort. He pinches my ass, and I elbow him in the stomach.
“Anyway, I tried every avenue possible, but the boys' family was too well connected. That brings me to who his father is.”
“Cillian Sullivan,” Swift answers for me.
“The one and only,” I say.
“Have to be really brave or really stupid to go against the Sullivan family.”
“The really stupid part. I even went to the house to try to talk some sense into them. If they didn't want him, I would have taken him,” I cry. “But the old man was cruel, just plain evil. I could see it in his eyes. Connor’s mom was some blonde bimbo, only worried about the chip in her perfect nail polish. He threatened me, surprise, surprise.”
“Damn woman, you went through all that and still stayed in that town? I’m almost scared to know the final straw that made you leave,” Grim says, rubbing his chin.
“I got a call in the middle of the night. It was the principle. He told me Connor was in the hospital. He wasn't doing well, and they didn't know if he would make it through the night. I asked what happened, but he said he would tell me once I arrived. I didn't even question it. I raced over to the hospital, only when I got there….” I trail off.
“Let me guess, they were waiting for you in the parking lot?” Comp chimes in. I just nod and shiver at the memory. I nod, trying to swallow back the tears and panic that always come with the memory.
“I barely even got out of the car before being grabbed. I was yanked around a good bit until they slammed me against the back door of my car. They pressed my stomach to the cold door and whispered in my ear. They told me I should have left it alone, that now they weren't just going to kill me, they were going to put me in one of their whore houses, get me good and used up, make some quick cash, then put a bullet through my skull.” I didn't even realize I was shaking until I felt Grease pull me back into his arms and rub his hands up and down my arms. I’m exhausted from the day, the show, the drive, and now reliving the past. I’m ready to get this out and over with. I wipe the tears from my eyes, take a deep breath, and let the rest out.
“I was able to get away using a self-defense keychain I had in my hand and another dose of luck. After that, I packed up all my stuff, made quite the scene before leaving town, and then ran like the hounds of hell were nipping at my heels. They found me twice before I landed here. Since starting over with you guys, I’ve been…. Safe,” I finish simply.
“There's one thing I don't understand,” Swift says, looking at me with drawn eyebrows. “If all they wanted was for you to leave them alone and shut the fuck up, why would they still be looking for you after all these years?”
I wince as I know I will have a fight on my hands with this next part.
“Well… that's the difficult part, I might have made sure Connor got away as well.”
“You kidnapped their kid?” someone whisper-yells.
“I saved their kids and got him out. Now, he’s somewhere safe and loved,” I say, holding my head up high. I might feel guilty for bringing trouble their way, but I feel no guilt or remorse about taking that child.
“Okay…. So the real question is, where's the boy?” Swift asks. This time, I try to hide the wince. They really aren't going to like this…
“Umm… I don't know.”