Page 31 of Grease's Guide
“You really got to ask that question,brother?” He says that word with such disgust I’m surprised to see it on his face. How have we missed it? Then he continues. “Not only did y'all let mybest friend and brother die. Y’all took in the bitch whose family murdered him! What kind of brotherhood does that? Ya’ll forgot about him! Y’all let him die and then spat on his fucking grave!”
“Watch how you talk about my woman,” Hitter growls.
“And that's exactly fucking why I did it,” he growls, hate clouding every inch of his dark eyes. I can't believe this is what has become of one of my brothers. Someone I would have and did trust with my life.
“I would have never thought you were capable of this, and you're not going to like the next outcome.” Just as Swift finishes, the door is yanked open… and none other than mother fucking Dread walks in, followed closely behind him is Ghost, or Devin, whatever the fuck he’s called.
Dread looks the same, and I almost rub my eyes to make sure it's him. I take him from head to toe and realize it’s true. It’s him. However, his cut is different. No longer does it say “Dread” or his reckless Omen patch. Instead, there is a new hybrid patch and the road name “Omen.”
“This can't be real.” Vice voices what we’re all thinking.
“I thought this would have been a better reunion, old friend,” Omen says in a hard voice, walking right up to the chair Vice is currently chained to.
“How is this possible? You were dead… I watched you die,” he says in disbelief, his eyes shining.
“There were other things in play. Other people out to get me. I was actually saved that day, but traitors to this club and to my name don't get an explanation,” he says harshly.
“I-I thought..”
“It doesn’t fucking matter what you thought. You carried out a kidnapping of the women of this club. You should have never let those fuckers even lay their hands on the women. You pointed a weapon at a Rome, a fucking kid, and almost killed him in cold blood. Women and children are to be protected to the end. I don't know how you lost that, but maybe you just couldn't see it through the hate. Either way, it's unforgivable.” He pauses for a minute, only long enough for Vice to make eye contact. When he does, he continues.
“And the worst part of it all… you did it inmyname. For that alone, I could never forgive you. I’m only going to ask this once, and as a prior member of this club, we deserve a straight answer. What all do you know?”
“WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER?” Devin screams as Hitter and Comp grab hold of his shoulders. He looks ready to kill.
All the fight seems to leave Vice's body as he bows his head and answers. “There is a compound up in the hills. Dug in deep. Full paramilitary doomsday prepper shit. That's where they took them. I didn't tell them about the trackers you have on the women. We planned to tell them when we got there, got paid, and got out. We wanted some insurance. They have a whole army, though. Be ready,” he mutters.
Omen doesn't waste time. He steps up and rips the patch from Vice's vest, pulls out his gun, and takes the shot. Then turns back to the room.
“Can’t wait for the reunion, boys, but let's save it until the women can join in. What do you say?” he asks, and I can't help but smile. We may have weeded out two traitors from our ranks, but we got a brother back from the dead… and now we have the location of our women.
Time to bring hell to earth and every mother fucker in my way.
Chapter Twenty-Three
I close my eyes and picture Grease’s crooked smirk and gray eyes full of love staring at me. I want to laugh at the thought that I could have ever believed he hated or didn't like me. All the teasing and cocky smiles sent my way. I see them now as adoration. I hope and pray he saw it through my masked stares or heated conversations as well. I know I’ve told him since getting together, but was it enough? It doesn't seem like it. I just got him. How can this be it?
My breathing speeds up when I feel the van turn off the main highway and down what I’m guessing is a long dirt road. I turn to Piper, who is on the floor beside me. She’s staying so strong and so stoic I can't help but break. We’ve been hit, slapped, slung around this damn van, and it's all my fault.
“I’m so sorry. This is all my fault. I can't believe I put you all in this situation,” I say, finally letting one tear fall from my cheek.
“Sweetheart, the men ain't dead, and the day ain't over. This isn't your fault, and we aren't damsels in distress.” Jade gives me a strong smile, and I try to return it, pretty sure it falls flat.
“Shut the fuck up. Not another word from any of you or I’ll start clipping you off one by one. We only need the fucking teacher,” the one in the passenger seat throws back at us.
It's not much longer before we pull up to a huge mansion surrounded by a field, and in the distance, nothing but trees. We are completely secluded out here. I don't know how the guys will find us or what the hell we will do, but the other women don't look worried. Maybe I need to have a little more faith.
We are dragged out of the van and around the enormous mansion to a door guarded by two huge men. There, we are taken through the door, down a set of stairs, and brought to a wooden door.
“Home sweet home. For as long as you are alive,” says the one they called Mac. I thought I heard the driver's name was Art. As the door is unlocked, a new guy comes down the dark hallway from the opposite end from which we were brought.
“What happened to them? Why is that one's nose bleeding?” asks the new guy.
“Let's just say they didn't come easy, and they are a mouthy bunch of bitches. Had to do what we had to fucking do, Garret,” Art growls.
“Think we should teach them a lesson?” Mac grabs my boob in a painful grip, making me cry out. That's when Halle goes crazy. She tries to get away from the fucker holding her, but she’s the most restrained. They realized pretty fast how unpredictable she was.